昆虫学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (3): 309-315.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2016.03.007

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘永华1,2, 阎雄飞2, 温冬梅1, 陆鹏飞1, 宗世祥1, 骆有庆1,*   

  1. (1. 北京林业大学省部共建森林培育与森林保护教育部重点实验室, 北京100083; 2. 榆林学院生命科学学院, 陕西榆林 719000)
  • 出版日期:2016-03-20 发布日期:2016-03-20
  • 作者简介:刘永华, 男, 1978年4月生, 山西阳泉人, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向为有害生物生态控制, E-mail: liuyonghuaa@126.com

Effects of temperature on the growth, development and reproduction of Trabala vishnou gigantina (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)

LIU Yong-Hua1,2, YAN Xiong-Fei2, WEN Dong-Mei1, LU Peng-Fei1, ZONG Shi-Xiang1, LUO You-Qing1,*   

  1. (1. Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. College of Life Sciences, College of Yulin, Yulin, Shaanxi 719000, China)
  • Online:2016-03-20 Published:2016-03-20

摘要: 【目的】栎黄枯叶蛾Trabala vishnou gigantina 是近年在沙棘 Hippophae rhamnoides 林中大面积暴发的一种食叶害虫,以幼虫取食叶片,导致沙棘长势衰弱甚至死亡。本研究旨在明确温度对栎黄枯叶蛾生长发育及繁殖的影响,以便对其进行预测预报及采取防治措施。【方法】分别在5个恒温(19, 22, 25, 28和31℃)条件下研究了温度对栎黄枯叶蛾各虫态发育历期、取食量、交配率、产卵、寿命等的影响。【结果】在19~31℃温度范围内,随着温度升高,各虫态发育历期逐渐缩短。卵、幼虫、蛹、产卵前期和全世代的发育起点温度分别为9.24±0.45, 10.85±0.87, 14.56±0.85, 9.65±0.54和10.48±0.52℃,有效积温分别为341.22±9.54, 1 285.64±17.65, 445.35±8.65, 13.34±1.25和2 085.35±25.84日·度。幼虫总取食量和交配率与温度变化关系不大,而成虫的产卵量在22, 25和28℃下明显高于其他温度,成虫寿命与温度呈负相关。【结论】22~28℃之间是栎黄枯叶蛾较为理想的生长发育和繁殖温度。研究结果为生产上合理防治该害虫提供了参考依据。

关键词: 栎黄枯叶蛾, 温度, 生长发育, 繁殖, 发育起点温度, 有效积温

Abstract: 【Aim】 Trabala vishnou gigantina has become a serious leaf-eating pest of Hippophae rhamnoides in recent years, which feeds leaves of host plants at the larval stage, causing poor growth or even death of host plants. This study aims to determine the effects of temperature on the growth, development and reproduction of T. v. gigantina, and thereby to provide a foundation for the forecasting and scientific management of this pest. 【Methods】 Under a series of temperature gradients (19, 22, 25, 28 and 31℃), the developmental duration, food consumption, mating rate, oviposition, longevity of T. v.gigantina was investigated. 【Results】 Within the constant temperature ranging from 19 to 31℃, the duration of various developmental stages of T. v.gigantina shortened as temperature rose gradually. The development threshold temperatures of egg, larva, pupa, pre-oviposition and one complete generation were 9.24±0.45, 10.85±0.87, 14.56±0.85, 9.65±0.54, 10.48±0.52℃ and 341.22±9.54℃, respectively, and their effective accumulated temperatures were 1 285.64±17.65, 445.35±8.65, 13.34±1.25, 2 085.35±25.84 degree·days, respectively. The food consumption and mating rate were not affected significantly by temperature, and the number of eggs laid under temperatures of 22, 25 and 28℃ was higher than that under the other temperatures. The adult longevity was negatively correlated with temperature. 【Conclusion】 The temperature range of 22-28℃ is the most suitable for the growth, development and reproduction of T. v. gigantina. These findings provide valuable information for rational control of T. v. gigantina.

Key words: Trabala vishnou gigantina, temperature, growth and development, reproduction, developmental threshold temperature, effective accumulated temperature