›› 2017, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (11): 1307-1314.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2017.11.009

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


孟建玉1,*, 张滢2, 张长禹3, 陆宁1   

  1. (1. 贵州省烟草科学研究院, 贵阳 550081; 2. 宜昌市农产品质量安全监督检测站, 湖北宜昌 443001; 3. 贵州大学农学院, 贵阳 550025)
  • 出版日期:2017-11-20 发布日期:2017-11-20

Resistance of Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations to acetamiprid, deltamethrin and pirimicarb in tobacco production areas in Guizhou province, southwestern China

MENG Jian-Yu1,*, ZHANG Ying2, ZHANG Chang-Yu3, LU Ning1   

  1.  (1. Guizhou Tobacco Science Research Institute, Guiyang 550081, China; 2. Yichang Agricultural Products Quality Supervision and Testing Center, Yichang, Hubei 443001, China; 3. College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China)
  • Online:2017-11-20 Published:2017-11-20

摘要: 【目的】为明确贵州烟草产区烟蚜Myzus persicae种群对常用杀虫剂的抗性水平。【方法】在室内采用浸渍法测定了贵州省9个地州市34个烟叶主产县市的烟蚜种群对啶虫脒、溴氰菊酯和抗蚜威3种杀虫剂的抗性。【结果】对贵州9个地州市34个烟叶主产县市的烟蚜种群对3种杀虫剂抗性监测结果表明:除黔西南(兴义)和毕节(黔西)2个县市的烟蚜种群对啶虫脒处于敏感性下降水平(RR=4.00~4.31)外,其余32个县市的烟蚜对啶虫脒均已产生中等水平抗性(RR=10.09~26.35);毕节(毕节)和黔东南(天柱)2个县市的烟蚜种群对溴氰菊酯产生了中等水平抗性(RR=32.47~38.72),毕节(黔西)、铜仁(思南)和安顺(安顺)3个县市的烟蚜对溴氰菊酯已达到极高水平抗性(RR=184.97~237.77),其余县市的烟蚜均已产生高水平抗性(RR=51.27~132.08);除毕节(黔西)、黔东南(施秉、天柱)和遵义(余庆)4个县市的烟蚜种群对抗蚜威产生低水平抗性(RR=5.90~9.46)外,其余县市的烟蚜均已产生中等水平抗性(RR=10.05~31.66)。【结论】当前贵州烟草产区多数县市的烟蚜种群对3种杀虫剂产生低水平至极高水平抗性,可能与田间广泛地大量使用有关。本研究的抗性检测结果对贵州烟草产区烟蚜的杀虫剂种类选择及田间合理用药等具有重要指导作用。

关键词: 烟蚜, 杀虫剂, 抗药性, 烟草产区, 贵州

Abstract: 【Aim】 The objective of this study is to assess the resistance of Myzus persicae populations to conventional insecticides in tobacco production areas in Guizhou province, southwestern China. 【Methods】 Resistance of M. persicae field populations collected from 34 major tobacco production counties and cities of nine districts in Guizhou to acetamiprid, deltamethrin and pirimicarb was assayed with dipping method. 【Results】 The results of the resistance monitoring of 34 M. persicae populations to three insecticides indicated that the two populations collected from Qianxinan (Xingyi) and Bijie (Qianxi) maintained sensitivitydecreasing level to acetamiprid (RR=4.00-4.31), while other 32 populations developed moderate level resistance to acetamiprid (RR=10.09-26.35). For deltamethrin, the Bijie (Bijie) and Qiandongnan (Tianzhu) populations developed moderate level resistance (RR=32.47-38.72). The Bijie (Qianxi), Tongren (Sinan) and Anshun (Anshun) populations developed extremely high level resistance (RR=184.97-237.77). The other populations developed high level resistance to deltamethrin (RR=51.27-132.08). For pirimicarb, the populations collected from Bijie (Bijie), Qiandongnan (Shibing and Tianzhu) and Zunyi (Yuqing) developed low level resistance (RR=5.90-9.46), while the other populations developed moderate level resistance (RR=10.05-31.66). 【Conclusion】 The results suggest that most field populations of M. persicae in Guizhou have developed low to extremely high level resistance to the insecticides, which may be due to the wide use of these insecticides in tobacco production areas. The results provide important guidance for the choice and wise application of insecticides in the control of Myzus persicae in fields in tobacco production areas of Guizhou.

Key words: Myzus persicae, insecticide, insecticide resistance, tobacco production areas, Guizhou