›› 1997, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 379-387.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


游兰韶 邱道寿 肖铁光 王进 陈志明   

  • 出版日期:1997-11-20 发布日期:1997-11-20


You Lanshao Qiu Daoshou Xiao Tieguang Wangjin Chen Zhiming   

  • Online:1997-11-20 Published:1997-11-20

摘要: 拟垫跗蠼螋Proreus simulans(Stal)的生物学,包括栖息习性,越冬虫态和越冬场所,卵的历期;各龄若虫的形态特征与历期;成虫的耐饥能力,交配、产卵习性,越冬期成虫呼吸率和呼吸商等内容。捕食作用研究结果表明,该天敌的食蚜日均捕食量随龄次增大,4龄达到最大,至成虫以后保持稳定;各龄若虫及咸虫的功能反应均属H011lngⅡ型;著者最后认为拟垫跗蠼螋是一种有利用价值的捕食性天敌,并提出保护利用措施。

关键词: 拟垫跗蠼螋, 生物学, 捕食作用, 模拟模型, 保护利用

Abstract: Proreus simulas (Still) is a predatory natural enemy effective in the control of pests in reed fields. The biological characters and predation to Melanaphis sp. Of the chalisochids have been studied. The adult and third and fourth instar nymphs of the earwig hibernate on the remained reed stems and leaves, or in the soil chinks. At about (22.47+0.47)℃, the average incubation period of the eggs is 8.42 days. There are three moults or four instars in the larvae. At the laboratory temperatures, the averagedevelopment periods of the first instar, second instar, third instar and fourth instar nymphs are 8.7, 4.28, 4.03, and 10.95 days, respectively. The adults and nymphs of the chalisochids prey upon some species of insect pests occurring in reed fields, such as:Oligonychus sp. , Melanaphis sp. , Baliothrips serratus, first instar nymphs of Dimorphiters spinolae and first instar larvae of Chiloniponella. At the laboratory temperatures, the number of eggs laid per female after hibernation at the first oviposition and the second oviposition varies from 24 to 34 and from 19 to 48, respectively, while that at third oviposition varies from 24 to 34. The preying activing of the chalisochids reach-es a greatest attacking rate at 28℃. The average number of aphids eaten by an earwig in one day increases with the stadium of the larva and reaches the maximum at 4th instar, which approximates to that of an adult, the functional responses of 1-4 instar nymphsand adults are found to be Holling II type. By these investigations, the authors believe that the earwig, Proteus simulas, is a valuable predator for pest control and have put forward a proposal about the protection and utilzation of this natural enemy.

Key words: earwig, biology, predation, simulation model, protective utilization