昆虫学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (1): 117-123.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2019.01.012

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王怡1, 嵇保中1,*, 刘曙雯2,*, 徐立军1, 熊佳新    

  1. (1. 南京林业大学林学院, 南方现代林业协 同创新中心, 南京210037; 2. 南京中山陵园管理局, 南京210014)
  • 出版日期:2019-01-20 发布日期:2019-01-24

Anatomical and scanning electron microscopy observation of the labial gland of Reticulitermes chinensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)

WANG Yi1, JI Bao-Zhong1,*, LIU Shu-Wen2,*, XU Li-Jun1, XIONG Jia-Xin 1   

  1.  (1. Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2. The Administration Bureau of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum, Nanjing 210014, China)
  • Online:2019-01-20 Published:2019-01-24


 【目的】通过研究黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis下唇腺解剖构造及其在不同品级个体间的分化,为进一步探索口交哺和品级分化机制提供参考。【方法】通过显微解剖观察,了解黑胸散白蚁下唇腺的形态构造及其在不同品级个体间的分化;通过扫描电镜观察,了解下唇腺的结构及神经支配;通过饮水实验,研究工蚁饮水及下唇腺囊的贮水功能。【结果】黑胸散白蚁下唇腺是左右对称结构,每侧构造由一个下唇腺腺泡群、一个下唇腺囊及相关的导管组成。每侧导管分别开口于舌基部下方。蚁后的下唇腺最发达,在下唇腺大小、下唇腺囊大小、腺泡大小及腺泡数量4方面均显著高于其他品级个体;兵蚁、工蚁、有翅成虫的下唇腺也较为发达,相互之间这4个参数的差异性不显著。扫描电镜观察发现,工蚁下唇腺腺泡由主导管和分支导管相连,腺泡外侧有神经分布。黑胸散白蚁工蚁有饮水习性,获得的水贮存在下唇腺囊内。【结论】黑胸散白蚁不同品级个体间,蚁后的下唇腺最发达,有翅成虫的下唇腺也比较发达,说明蚁后除行使生殖职能外,还承担交哺育幼等职能。黑胸散白蚁工蚁有饮水习性,下唇腺囊有贮水功能。

关键词: 黑胸散白蚁, 下唇腺, 解剖形态, 扫描电镜观察, 工蚁饮水习性

Abstract: 【Aim】 To study the anatomical structure of the labial gland of Reticulitermes chinensis and its differentiation in individuals of different castes so as to provide a reference for further exploring the mechanism of stomodeal trophallaxis and caste differentiation. 【Methods】 The anatomical structure of the labial gland of R. chinensis and its differentiation among individuals of different castes were observed by microdissection, the structure and nerve innervation of the labial gland of worker were observed by scanning electron microscope, and the drinking water habit of workers and the water storage function of the labial gland reservoir were investigated by water drinking test. 【Results】 The labial gland of R. chinensis consists of a pair of symmetric structures, each consisting of a labial glandular acinus, a labial gland reservoir and relevant ducts. Each side duct respectively opens at the base of the hypopharynx. The labial gland of the termite queen was the most developed among various castes. The four parameters, i.e., the sizes of the labial gland and the labial gland reservoir, the size of acinus and the number of acini in labial gland, of termite queen were significantly higher than those of other castes of individuals. The labial gland of soldier, worker and alate were also rather developed, but the differences in the above four parameters among them were not significant. Revealed by scanning electron microscope, the acini of the labial gland of workers are connected by branch ducts and common ducts, and the nerves are distributed on the lateral side of the acini. Workers had the ability to drink water, and the obtained water was stored in the labial gland reservoir. 【Conclusion】 Among different castes, the termite queen of R. chinensis has the most developed labial gland, and the alate also has rather developed labial gland, suggesting that in addition to performing reproductive function, the termite queen also undertakes other jobs such as stomodeal trophallaxis and breeding larva. R. chinensis workers have the ability to drink water, and the labial gland reservoir has the function of storing water.

Key words: Reticulitermes chinensis, labial gland, anatomical morphology, scanning electron microscopy observation, drinking water habit for workers