昆虫学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 63 ›› Issue (7): 889-901.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2020.07.012

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朱翔宇1,2,3,#, 尤士骏1,2,3,#,*, 刘天生1,2,3, 张玲1,2,3, 尤民生1,2,3   

  1. (1. 福建农林大学应用生态研究所, 闽台作物有害生物生态防控国家重点实验室, 福州350002; 2. 福建农林大学, 教育部害虫生态防控国际合作联合实验室, 福州 350002; 3. 福建农林大学, 农业部闽台作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室, 福州 350002)
  • 出版日期:2020-07-20 发布日期:2020-07-29

Research progress on Wolbachia endosymbionts in arthropods

ZHU Xiang-Yu1,2,3,#, YOU Shi-Jun1,2,3,#,*, LIU Tian-Sheng1,2,3, ZHANG Ling1,2,3, YOU Min-Sheng1,2,3    

  1. (1. State Key Laboratory of Ecological Pest Control for Fujian and Taiwan Crops, Institute of Applied Ecology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 2. Joint International Research Laboratory of Ecological Pest Control, Ministry of Education, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management for Fujian-Taiwan Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China)
  • Online:2020-07-20 Published:2020-07-29

摘要: 沃尔巴克氏体Wolbachia为母系传播的胞内共生菌,可通过对宿主产生多种调控方式扩大其自身在宿主种群的传播。据推测,有40%~60%的节肢动物都感染有Wolbachia,并可根据不同株系间的系统发育关系将其分为多个超群。为了有助于深入研究Wolbachia对其宿主的调控方式及其调控机制及提出更为有效的害虫生物防治策略,本文综述了节肢动物内共生菌Wolbachia的研究现状。1924年Wolbachia被报道首次发现于尖音库蚊Culex pipiens的生殖组织中,1971年确认其与宿主的胞质不亲和现象有关。Wolbachia可以通过胞质不亲和、杀雄、雌性化、孤雌生殖等作用方式调控宿主的生殖。除生殖调控之外,Wolbachia对宿主的调控方式还包括调控宿主新陈代谢、抵制病原菌、影响宿主生殖力等。Wolbachia调控的胞质不亲和现象可用“修饰-营救”(modification-rescue)模型解释,且已有与Wolbachia诱导宿主胞质不亲和相关的功能基因被报道。wMel株系是首个公布全基因组序列的Wolbachia株系,随后又有数十种不同株系的Wolbachia基因组陆续被破译。wMel株系Wolbachia可起到抑制登革热病毒传播的作用;同时,Wolbachia和昆虫不育技术的结合对白纹伊蚊Aedes albopictus野外种群起到良好的控制效果。鉴于目前节肢动物内共生菌Wolbachia的研究现状,我们认为未来应开展以下研究:(1)Wolbachia基因组及生殖调控作用关键功能基因的研究;(2)Wolbachia与宿主间互作机制的研究;(3)Wolbachia在生物防治方面的应用。

关键词: 节肢动物; Wolbachia, 生殖调控, 基因组, 功能基因, 生物防治

Abstract: Wolbachia is maternally inherited endosymbionts that can expand their propagation in host populations by means of various manipulations. It is estimated that 40%-60% of arthropods are infected with Wolbachia, which can be divided into multiple supergroups based on the phylogenetic relationships among different strains. To facilitate further studying the Wolbachia-mediated manipulation of hosts and associated mechanisms and developing more effective Wolbachia-based biological control strategies, in this article we made a systematical review of the research progress on Wolbachia. Wolbachia was first identified in the reproductive tissue of Culex pipiens in 1924 and verified to be associated with cytoplasmic incompatibility of hosts in 1971. Wolbachia can manipulate host reproduction through cytoplasmic incompatibility, male-killing, feminization, and parthenogenesis. In addition to reproductive manipulation, Wolbachia also affects metabolism, pathogen resistance, and fertility of hosts. The cytoplasmic incompatibility induced by Wolbachia can be interpreted by the “modification-rescue” model, and some functional genes involved in cytoplasmic incompatibility have been reported. wMel is the first Wolbachia strain whose genome was published, and dozens of Wolbachia strains were genomically sequenced afterwards. The wMel strain can inhibit the transmission of dengue virus, and integration of Wolbachia strains with sterile technology has shown promising effects in controlling field populations of Aedes albopictus. In view of the research progress on Wolbachia, future studies are suggested to focus on the following aspects: (1) Wolbachia genome and functional genes involved in reproductive regulation; (2) host-Wolbachia interactions and associated mechanisms; (3) application of Wolbachia in biological control programs.

Key words: Arthropods; Wolbachia, reproductive manipulation, genome, function gene, biological control