昆虫学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 63 ›› Issue (11): 1325-1332.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2020.11.005

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


谭静1, 武江利1, 涂洋洋1, Tessema AYNALEM1,2, 于慧敏1,李南南 1, 李小英1, 徐书法1,*   

  1. (1. 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所, 农业农村部授粉昆虫生物学重点实验室, 北京 100093; 2. College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Bahir Dar University, P. O. Box 5501, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia)
  • 出版日期:2020-11-20 发布日期:2020-12-08

Effects of Varroa destructor on the respiratory metabolism of Apis mellifera ligustica workers

TAN Jing1, WU Jiang-Li1, TU Yang-Yang1, Tessema AYNALEM1,2, YU Hui-Min1, LI Nan-Nan1, LI Xiao-Ying1, XU Shu-Fa1,*    

  1. (1. Key Laboratory of Pollinating Insect Biology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; 2. College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Bahir Dar University, P. O. Box 5501, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia)
  • Online:2020-11-20 Published:2020-12-08

摘要: 【目的】意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica(简称“意蜂”)是世界重要的授粉昆虫,对维持生态平衡、提高农产品产量和保障粮食安全至关重要。但受狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor侵害,全世界的意蜂蜂群每年都受到巨大损失。本研究主要探讨狄斯瓦螨对意蜂工蜂呼吸代谢的影响, 为今后深入研究狄斯瓦螨与意蜂之间的相互作用奠定基础。【方法】应用SSI多通道昆虫呼吸仪测定感染狄斯瓦螨意蜂与健康意蜂不同发育阶段(4日龄幼虫、5日龄蛹、新出房成蜂和6日龄成蜂)工蜂的耗氧量、CO2释放量和呼吸商,并分析其变化特征;同时采用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)方法分析狄斯瓦螨感染意蜂与健康意蜂成年工蜂中呼吸代谢相关基因(Coq7, COXⅠ, CytB, CytCIF-2mt)的表达量变化。【结果】受狄斯瓦螨侵染后,意蜂工蜂耗氧量、CO2释放量呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,其中耗氧量从5日龄蛹期的0.0244 mL/min下降至6日龄成蜂期的0.0093 mL/min; CO2释放量从5日龄蛹期的0.0174 mL/min下降至6日龄成蜂期的0.0040 mL/min,极显著低于同龄期健康意蜂工蜂的。健康意蜂工蜂呼吸商随其生长过程逐渐增加,至6日龄成蜂时呼吸商最高,达0.9169;而狄斯瓦螨感染意蜂工蜂呼吸商则呈下降趋势,6日龄成蜂时呼吸商最低,为0.4424,显著低于同龄期健康成年工蜂的。实时荧光定量PCR结果发现,狄斯瓦螨感染意蜂成年工蜂中CytBCytC基因的相对表达量分别是健康意蜂成年工蜂的1.7676和1.9929倍,差异显著。【结论】狄斯瓦螨侵染可直接影响意蜂工蜂的呼吸代谢,导致其正常代谢途径发生紊乱,严重破坏蜂群正常生长发育。

关键词: 意大利蜜蜂, 狄斯瓦螨, 耗氧量, CO2释放量, 呼吸商, 基因表达

Abstract: 【Aim】 The Italian honey bee, Apis mellifera ligustica, is one of the most economically important pollinators in the world, and plays important roles in maintaining the ecological balance, improving the output of agricultural products and ensuring food safety. However, the bee suffers from huge annual loss worldwide due to infestation of Varroa destructor. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of V. destructor on the respiratory metabolism of A. mellifera ligustica workers, so as to lay a foundation for further studying the interaction between the mite and the bee. 【Methods】 The oxygen consumption, CO2 emission and respiration quotient of V. destructor-infected and healthy workers of A. mellifera ligustica at different developmental stages (4-day-old larva, 5-day-old pupa, newly emerged adult and 6-day-old adult) were measured using SSI multi-channel insect respiration instrument, and the characteristics of their changes were analyzed. Meanwhile, the expression levels of respiratory metabolism-related genes (Coq7, COXⅠ, CytB, CytC and IF-2mt) in V. destructor-infected and healthy adult worker bees were analyzed using real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). 【Results】 The oxygen consumption and CO2 emission of A. mellifera ligustica worker bees first increased and then decreased after infection by V. destructor. After infection by V. destructor, the oxygen consumption decreased from 0.0244 mL/min in the 5-day-old pupal stage of A. mellifera ligustica to 0.0093 mL/min in the 6-day-old adult stage, and the CO2 emission decreased from 0.0174 mL/min in the 5-day-old pupal stage to 0.0040 mL/min in the 6-day-old adult stage, which was significantly lower than that of the healthy worker bees of the same developmental stage. The respiratory quotient of healthy worker bees of A. mellifera ligustica increased gradually with larval age, and reached the peak (0.9169) at the 6-day-old adult stage, while the respiratory quotient of the V. destructor-infected worker bees decreased, and was the lowest (0.4424) at the 6-day-old adult stage, which was significantly lower than that of the healthy worker bees of the same developmental stage. The RT-qPCR results showed that the relative expression levels of CytB and CytC genes in the V. destructor-infected adult worker bees of A. mellifera ligustica were 1.7676 and 1.9929-fold as high as those of the healthy adult worker bees, respectively. 【Conclusion】 V. destructor infection can directly affect the respiratory metabolism of A. mellifera ligustica workers, leading to the disorder of their normal metabolic pathway, and seriously damaging the normal growth and development of bee colonies.

Key words: Apis mellifera ligusticaVarroa destructor, oxygen consumption, CO2 emission; respiratory quotient, gene expression