昆虫学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 67 ›› Issue (1): 116-134.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2024.01.012

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全林发1, 陈炳旭1, 梁盛曦23, 乔方3, 刘凯2, 池艳艳1, 姚琼1*   

  1. (1. 广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 广东省植物保护新技术重点试验室, 广州 510640;  2. 仲恺农业工程学院, 广州 5105503; 3. 深圳职业技术学院, 深圳 518055)

  • 出版日期:2024-01-20 发布日期:2024-01-27

Research progress of Geometridae pests of litchi and longan

QUAN Lin-Fa1, CHEN Bing-Xu1, LIANG Sheng-Xi2,3, QIAO Fang3, LIU Kai2, CHI Yan-Yan1, YAO Qiong1,*   

  1.  ( 1. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of New High Technology for Plant Protection, Plant Protection Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China; 2.ZhongkaiUniversityof Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou510550,China; 3.ShenzhenPolytechnicUniversity, Shenzhen 518055,China)
  • Online:2024-01-20 Published:2024-01-27


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)尺蛾科(Geometridae)成虫多为中型蛾类,其幼虫称为“尺蠖”,是荔枝和龙眼梢期的重点防控对象之一。目前,我国已报道的危害荔枝和龙眼的尺蛾科害虫共有10种,广东省内常见的有8种,分别为:粗胫翠尺蛾Thalassodes immissaria、大造桥虫Ascotis selenaria、大钩翅尺蛾Hyposidra talaca、油桐尺蛾Biston (Buzura) suppressaria、波纹黄尺蛾Perixera illepidaria、樟翠尺蛾Thalassodes quadraria、荔枝青尺蛾Berta chrysolineata hainanensis和间三叶尺蛾Sauris interruptaria。至今,国内外围绕荔枝和龙眼尺蛾科害虫开展的研究报道仅为15篇,其中粗胫翠尺蛾最多(7篇),而为害较普遍的荔枝青尺蛾和间三叶尺蛾尚未见研究报道。本文基于文献检索结果,着重综述了粗胫翠尺蛾、大造桥虫、大钩翅尺蛾、绿额翠尺蛾Pelagodes proquadraria和油桐尺蛾5个尺蛾科优势种的研究现状,并且从农业防治、物理防治、生物防治和化学防治4个方面概述了国内外荔枝和龙眼尺蛾科害虫综合防治技术研究进展。目前,尺蛾科害虫的生物防治技术研究集中于天敌的保护利用、生物源农药和昆虫性信息素的开发与应用。至今,已有粗胫翠尺蛾、大造桥虫、槐尺蛾Chiasmia cinerearia和油桐尺蛾4种尺蛾的性信息素有效组分被成功鉴定。但当前针对该类害虫仍以化学防治为主,而且我国用于荔枝和龙眼尺蛾科害虫防治的杀虫剂尚无登记,对农技推广人员指导用药提出了巨大挑战。本综述旨在帮助广大科研工作者全面了解此类害虫的研究现状,以期为尺蛾科害虫的深入研究及综合防控新技术的研发提供参考。

关键词: 尺蛾科, 荔枝, 龙眼, 防治技术, 研究进展


The Lepidoptera:Geometridae adults are mostly medium-sized moths, and their larvae are called "inchworms". Geometridae pests are one of the most destructive defoliators on litchi (Litchi chinensis) and longan (Dimocarpus longan). There were 10 species of Geometridae pests that have been reported on litchi and longan inChinato data, and 8 common species including Thalassodes immissariaAscotis selenariaHyposidra talacaBiston (Buzura) suppressariaPerixera illepidariaThalassodes quadrariaBerta chrysolineata hainanensis and Sauris interruptaria inGuangdongprovince were reported. Up to now, the researches of Geometridae pests of litchi and longan have been only reported in 15 literatures, among them the number of reports of T. immissaria were the highest (7). However, other Geometridae pests damaging on litchi and longan, such as B. chrysolineata hainanensis and S. interruptaria have no research reports. In this article, we reviewed the research progress of five dominant Geometridae species, including T. immissariaA. selenariaH. talacaPelagodes proquadraria and B. (Buzura) suppressaria. Moreover, we introduced the research status and integrated pest control technologies regarding agricultural, physical, biological and chemical control measures for Geometridae pests of litchi and longan in detail. The biological control technology of Geometridae pests focuses on the protection and utilization of natural enemies, as well as the development and application of biogenic pesticides and insect sex pheromones. So far, the effective components of sex pheromones from 4 species including T. immissariaA. selenariaChiasmia cinerearia and B. (Buzura) suppressaria have been identified successfully. However, application of chemical insecticides is the main control technology for Geometridae pests. There are no registered insecticides for control of Geometridae pests on lychee and longan, posing a great challenge for agriculturalist to guide the use of insecticides. This review will help researchers to be informed of the research status of Geometridae pests, and provides references and inspirations for the development and application of control techniques for Geometridae pests.

Key words:  Geometridae, litchi, longan, control techniques, research progress