昆虫学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 66 ›› Issue (6): 723-735.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2023.06.001

• 研究论文 •    下一篇


杨小林1,#, 凌瑕1,#, 孙全2, 陈洁3, 向凯1, 邱品品1洪俊峰1, 闫振天1, 王蓉3, 陈斌1,*, 乔梁1,*   

  1. (1. 重庆师范大学昆虫与分子生物学研究所, 媒介昆虫重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401331; 2. 迅检(重庆)生命科技有限责任公司, 重庆 400700; 3. 西南大学, 家蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室, 重庆 400715)
  • 出版日期:2023-06-20 发布日期:2023-08-02

Construction of exogenous DNA delivery system based on ovary-delivering peptide and Gal4-UAS binding property in Anopheles sinensis (Diptera: Culicidae)

YANG Xiao-Lin1,#, LING Xia1,#, SUN Quan2, CHEN Jie3, XIANG Kai1, QIU Pin-Pin1, HONG Jun-Feng1, YAN Zhen-Tian1, WANG Rong3, CHEN Bin1,*, QIAO Liang1,*   

  1. (1. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Vector Insects, Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China; 2. Xunjian Life Science&Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400700, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
  • Online:2023-06-20 Published:2023-08-02

摘要:  【目的】利用P2C可以定向进入卵巢以及Gal4蛋白可与UAS序列稳定结合的特点,在中华按蚊Anopheles sinensis中建立高效的非胚胎期外源DNA投递技术系统。【方法】注射P2C-Gal4-DsRed重组蛋白至吸血后20 h时的中华按蚊雌成蚊腹部,通过冰冻切片荧光观察和Western blot检测分析重组蛋白P2CGal4-DsRed在卵巢中的投递效率;制备P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING重组蛋白,构建包含12×UAS重复基序的转基因质粒和辅助质粒,通过电泳迁移实验分析重组蛋白P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING和12×UAS重复基序间的体外结合;分别将体外孵育的P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING+辅助质粒ITF36-12×UAS和P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING+转基因质粒ITF2-12×UAS afm复合物注射入吸血后20 h时的中华按蚊雌成蚊腹部,于血餐后40 h时提取其卵巢组织DNA,并通过特异性引物PCR扩增和测序分析外源DNA在活体中的投递情况。【结果】100%注射P2C-Gal4-DsRed的中华按蚊雌成蚊卵巢在绿色滤光片下呈现明显的红色荧光,表明P2C-Gal4-DsRed重组蛋白能够被高效地导入雌成蚊卵巢中;P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING重组蛋白能够与12×UAS重复基序以及含有该重复基序片段的质粒稳定结合;分别有91%和93%的注射了P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING+ITF36-12×UAS和P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING+ITF2-12×UAS afm的雌成蚊卵巢组织中能够检测到外源DNA片段。【结论】在中华按蚊中成功建立了基于P2C卵巢导向肽和Gal4-12×UAS重复基序结合特性的外源DNA投递技术体系;通过此技术平台能够便捷、快速和高效地实现质粒等DNA分子在中华按蚊卵巢中的投递,这为进一步简化转基因、过表达及基因敲入等遗传操作奠定了基础。

关键词: 中华按蚊, P2C卵巢导向肽, Gal4蛋白, 12×UAS重复基序, 非胚胎期外源DNA投递技术系统

Abstract: 【Aim】Based on the features that the P2C can be delivered into ovaries and the Gal4 protein can stably bind to the UAS sequence, to establish an efficient non-embryonic exogenous DNA delivery technical system in Anopheles sinensis.【Methods】The recombinant protein P2C-Gal4-DsRed was injected into the abdomen of female adults of A. sinensis at 20 h after sucking blood. The delivery efficiency of the recombinant protein P2C-Gal4-DsRed in the ovaries was analyzed by frozen section fluorescence observation and Western blot. The recombinant P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING protein was prepared, transgenic plasmid and helper plasmid containing the 12×UAS repeat motif were constructed, and the in vitro binding between the recombinant protein P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING and 12×UAS repeat motif was analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The complexes P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING recombinant protein+helper plasmid ITF36-12×UAS and P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING recombinant protein+transgenic plasmid ITF2-12×UAS afm incubated in vitro were injected into the abdomen of female adults of A. sinensis at 20 h after sucking blood, and the DNA of their ovaries was extracted at 40 h after a blood meal. The delivery of exogenous DNA in vivo was analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers and sequencing. 【Results】The ovaries of 100% female adults of A. sinensis injected with P2C-Gal4-DsRed showed obvious red fluorescence under the green filter, indicating that the P2C-Gal4-DsRed recombinant protein could be efficiently transferred into the ovaries of female adults of A. sinensis. The recombinant P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING protein could stably bind to the 12×UAS repeat motif and the plasmid containing this repeat motif fragment. Exogenous DNA fragments were detected in the ovarian tissues of 91% and 93% of female adults of A. sinensis injected with P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDINGP2C-Gal4+ITF36-12×UAS and P2C-Gal4 DNA BINDING+ITF2-12×UAS afm, respectively. 【Conclusion】The exogenous DNA delivery technical system based on the P2C ovary-delivering peptide and the Gal4-12×UAS binding property was successfully established in A. sinensis. Through this technology platform, DNA molecules such as plasmids can be conveniently, rapidly and efficiently delivered into the ovaries of A. sinensis, laying a foundation for further simplifying genetic operations such as transgene, overexpression and gene knock-in.

Key words: Anopheles sinensis, P2C ovary-delivering peptide, Gal4 protein, 12×UAS repeat motif, non-embryonic exogenous DNA delivery technical system