昆虫学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 669-681.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2016.06.011

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


张振国, 滕开建, 李后魂*   

  1. (南开大学生命科学学院, 天津 300071)
  • 出版日期:2016-06-20 发布日期:2016-06-20

Biological characteristics of Epicephala ancylopa (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on host Glochidion sp. (Phyllanthaceae) and the compositional analysis of its floral scent

ZHANG Zhen-Guo, TENG Kai-Jian, LI Hou-Hun*   

  1. (College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China)
  • Online:2016-06-20 Published:2016-06-20

摘要: 【目的】为了从生物学和化学生态学角度探讨弯头细蛾Epicephala ancylopa和寄主三室算盘子Glochidion sp.间专性传粉的互利共生关系稳定性。【方法】本研究在野外观察和室内实验的基础上,对专性传粉育幼互利共生体系中三室算盘子、弯头细蛾生物学特性进行详细研究,探究互利共生双方利益得失;用动态顶空吸附法分别收集三室算盘子雄花和雌花气味物质,运用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析并鉴定其有效成分,用峰面积归一化与内标法定性定量;最后通过主成分分析法比较雄花和雌花之间气味化学成分的差异性。【结果】弯头细蛾在云南省普洱太阳河国家森林公园每年有1个世代,成虫和幼虫的活动时间分别在3-4月和8-10月。三室算盘子结实率为44.20%,被蛀食率为69.94%,平均每头幼虫消耗2.55枚种子来满足自身生长发育,寄主植物留有83.06%完好的种子,以维持互利共生关系的稳定。三室算盘子雌雄花气味中共鉴定出24种挥发物,主要以单萜类和倍半萜类物质为主,其中(Z)-罗勒烯和β-榄香烯两种萜类物质含量最高(分别为47.11%和22.72%), 推测其是吸引弯头细蛾传粉的主要气味成分;雄花和雌花之间气味化学成分存在明显的差异,具有两性异型性。【结论】弯头细蛾通过以卵越夏和以蛹越冬对策,实现成虫发生期与三室算盘子花期的精准匹配。弯头细蛾成虫白天静伏,傍晚开始活动,三室算盘子花的气味物质也只在晚上才明显释放,且雌雄花气味化学成分的两性异型性有利于弯头细蛾辨别雌雄花,以完成采集花粉与传粉行为。该研究结果为头细蛾属昆虫与算盘子属植物专性传粉互利共生关系稳定性的维持机制提供了新的依据,也为深入开展通过触角电生理检测和生物行为实验来筛选吸引传粉头细蛾的活性物质提供了理论依据。

关键词: 弯头细蛾, 算盘子属, 协同进化, 形态特征, 生物学, 花气味, 两性异型性

Abstract: 【Aim】 To understand the mutualistic stability in the obligate pollination mutualism between Epicephala ancylopa and host Glochidion sp. in biology and chemical ecology. 【Methods】 Based on the field observation and indoor experiment, we investigated the biological characteristics of Glochidion sp. and E. ancylopa, and the benefits that each species obtains from their obligate nursery pollination mutualism. The dynamic headspace technique and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to analyze the chemical composition of floral volatiles of both female and male flowers from Glochidion sp. The principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to assess the compositional differences in  floral scent between the sexes of Glochidion sp. 【Results】 E. ancylopa had only one generation per year in Pu’er Sun River National Park, Yunnan Province, and its adults and larvae were active during March-April and August-October, respectively. For Glochidion sp., the rate of ripening was 44.20%, the rate of consumed fruits was 69.94%, the average number of seeds consumed by each larva was 2.55, and the proportion of intact seeds was 83.06% that could keep the stabilization of mutualism in each population. A total of 24 compounds were detected and identified from the floral scent of Glochidion sp., which were dominated by terpenoids and aliphatics compounds. Among them, (Z)-ocimene and β-elemene were found to have the highest amounts in flowers (47.11% and 22.72%, respectively), and inferred as the major scent components attracting E. ancylopa. The PCA revealed that the chemical compositions of male and female floral scents of Glochidion sp. were distinctly different, which was identified as sexual dimorphism in floral scent. 【Conclusion】 One survival strategy of E. ancylopa is to synchronize eclosion with the flowering season of Glochidion sp. by oversummering in the egg stage and overwintering in the pupal stage. Adult of E. ancylopa is active only at night, whereas the floral scent attracting pollinator is only released obviously at night. Sexual dimorphism in floral scent can help Epicephala moths distinguish floral scents between male and female flowers, mediating behaviors of collecting pollen and pollinating. This study provides a new basis for understanding the mechanism to sustain the stabilization in the Glochidion-Epicephala mutualism and the basic data for further electroantennographic detection and bioassay to identify the compounds with the actual physiological activity to Epicephala moths.

Key words: Epicephala ancylopa, Glochidion, coevolution, morphology, biology, floral scent, sexual dimorphism