昆虫学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (1): 120-126.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2017.01.013

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刘兆良, 袁忠林, 罗兰*   

  1. (青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院, 山东青岛 266109)
  • 出版日期:2017-01-20 发布日期:2017-01-20

Changes in the cold hardiness and contents of the related biochemical substances in female adults of Ceroplastes japonicus (Hemiptera:Coccoidea) before and after overwintering

LIU Zhao-Liang, YUAN Zhong-Lin, LUO Lan*   

  1. (College of Agronomy and Plant Protection, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, Shandong 266109, China)
  • Online:2017-01-20 Published:2017-01-20

摘要: 【目的】了解日本龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes japonicus Green越冬前后对低温的耐受性和低温生存对策。【方法】采用热电偶法测定了日本龟蜡蚧雌成虫越冬前(10月)、越冬期(1月)及越冬后(4月)的过冷却点和冰点;采用生理生化方法测定了其体内的水分、脂肪、甘油、总糖、糖原以及海藻糖的含量。【结果】日本龟蜡蚧越冬期的过冷却点和冰点最低,分别为-13.74℃和-10.13℃,与越冬前(分别为-13.30℃和-9.95℃)差异不显著,但显著低于越冬后的(分别为-11.88℃和-7.12℃)。体内含水量在越冬期最低,为11.28%,显著低于越冬前(28.84%)和越冬后(29.60%)的含水量。脂肪含量在越冬前和越冬期较高,分别为86.38%和85.77%,且显著高于越冬后的(77.63%)。甘油含量在越冬前、后和越冬期均无显著差异。总糖含量在越冬前和越冬期均显著高于越冬后的。糖原含量在越冬前、越冬期和越冬后分别为4.03, 5.45和1.76 μg/mg,三者差异显著,越冬后糖原含量显著降低。海藻糖含量在越冬前最高为14.72 μg/mg,显著高于越冬期(6.85 μg/mg)和越冬后(7.92 μg/mg),但越冬期和越冬后差异不显著。【结论】本研究结果明确了日本龟蜡蚧在越冬前后、越冬期的抗寒能力及与抗寒相关物质含量的变化情况,可为正确评价日本龟蜡蚧低温适应性、预测地理分布和种群变化提供理论依据。

关键词: 日本龟蜡蚧, 越冬, 耐寒性, 过冷却点, 生化物质, 低温适应性

Abstract: 【Aim】 This study aims to investigate the cold tolerance and cold hardiness strategies of Ceroplastes japonicus Green in different overwintering stages (before, during and after overwintering). 【Methods】 The supercooling point (SCP) and freezing point (FP) of C. japonicus before overwintering (October), during overwintering (January) and after overwintering (April) were measured with thermocouple method, and the contents of body water, fat, glycerol, total sugar, glycogen and trehalose were examined with physiological and biochemical methods. 【Results】 The SCP and FP of C. japonicus during overwintering were the lowest (-13.74℃ and -10.13℃, respectively), significantly different from those after overwintering (-11.88℃ and -7.12℃, respectively), but with no difference from those before overwintering (-13.30℃ and -9.95℃, respectively). The body water contents of C. japonicus before, during and after overwintering were 28.84%, 11.28% and 29.60%, respectively. The body water contents before and after overwintering had no difference, but were significantly different from that during overwintering. The fat contents before overwintering (86.38%) and during overwintering (85.77%) had no difference, but were significantly different from that after overwintering (77.63%). The glycerol content had no significant difference in the three stages. The total sugar contents before overwintering and during overwintering were significantly higher than that after overwintering. The glycogen contents before, during and after overwintering were 4.03, 5.45 and 1.76 μg/mg, respectively, with significant difference among the three stages, and the glycogen content decreased significantly after overwintering. The trehalose content before overwintering was the highest (14.72 μg/mg), significantly different from those during overwintering (6.85 μg/mg) and after overwintering (7.92 μg/mg), but with no significant difference between during overwintering and after overwintering. 【Conclusion】 The results revealed the cold hardiness of C. japonicus in different overwintering stages, as well as the changes in contents of cold hardinessrelated substances,  and would provide the basis for evaluating the low temperature adaptation, geographical distribution and population dynamics of C. japonicus.

Key words: Ceroplastes japonicus, overwintering, cold hardiness, supercooling point, biochemical substances, low temperature adaptation