昆虫学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 65 ›› Issue (5): 587-594.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2022.05.006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


甯媛, 李洪, 李佳豪, 曾雯雯, 邓均杰, 李怡玲, 卢雪, 蒋晓红, 侯晓晖*   

  1.  (遵义医科大学细胞生物学教研室, 贵州遵义 563000)
  • 出版日期:2022-05-20 发布日期:2022-05-08

Histological observation of the internal organs and systems of adult Culicoides punctatus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

NING Yuan, LI Hong, LI Jia-Hao, ZENG Wen-Wen, DENG Jun-Jie, LI Yi-Ling, LU Xue, JIANG Xiao-Hong, HOU Xiao-Hui*   

  1.  (Department of Cell Biology, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, Guizhou 563000, China)
  • Online:2022-05-20 Published:2022-05-08

摘要: 【目的】刺螫库蠓Culicoides punctatus是一种重要媒介蠓虫,是施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus, SBV)的主要传播载体。通过石蜡切片和苏木素伊红染色技术观察刺螫库蠓成虫内部器官系统的组织结构。【方法】利用网扫法、灯诱法采集刺螫库蠓成虫,除足和翅外置于Duboscq-Brasil固定液中常温固定,然后经过逐级脱水、二甲苯透明、石蜡包埋、连续切片以及苏木素-伊红染色等过程制成玻片,利用光学显微镜进行观察和拍照。【结果】刺螫库蠓成虫消化系统不存在性别差异,由消化道及唾液腺组成。中枢神经系统由脑和腹神经索组成。脑可划分为前脑、中脑和后脑3个功能区。复眼和触角是刺螫库蠓主要的感觉器官。腹神经索可分为咽下神经节、胸神经节和腹神经节。呼吸系统主要由气管组成,气管遍布全身,无肺组织,胸部具有2对气门,分别位于中胸和后胸;腹支囊组织呈泡状,着色不明显。生殖系统包括内生殖器官和外生殖器官,其中雌性内生殖器官包括卵巢、输卵管、受精囊及生殖附腺,雄性内生殖器官包括精巢、输精管、射精管及生殖附腺。【结论】本研究明确了刺螫库蠓成虫的消化系统、神经系统、呼吸系统、生殖系统以及感觉器官的结构特征,为库蠓的发育研究提供了更为直接、准确的证据,有助于提高蠓媒监测、预报及防制的全面性和精确性。

关键词:  刺螫库蠓, 器官系统, 组织结构, 石蜡切片, 苏木素伊红染色

Abstract: 【Aim】 Culicoides punctatus, an important vector midge, is the main transmission vector of Schmallenberg virus (SBV). The histological structure of the internal organs and systems of adult C. punctatus was observed by paraffin section and hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. 【Methods】 C. punctatus adults were collected by net and light trap. With legs and wings removed, C. punctatus adults were fixed in Duboscq-Brasil fixation solution at the room temperature. Then glass slides were made after step-by-step dehydration, xylene transparency, paraffin embedding, continuous section and hematoxylin-eosin staining, and observed and photographed under light microscope. 【Results】 There is no gender difference in the digestive system of C. punctatus adults, which is composed of the digestive tract and salivary glands. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and the ventral nerve cord. The brain can be divided into three functional areas, i.e. protocerebrum, deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. The compound eyes and antennae are the main sensory organs. The ventral nerve cord is divided into subpharyngeal ganglion, thoracic ganglion and ventral ganglion. The respiratory system mainly consists of tracheas, which are distributed all over the body and have no lung tissue. The thorax has two pairs of valves, which are located in the mesothorax and metathorax. The air sac tissue is vesicular and not obviously stained. The reproductive system includes internal and external reproductive organs, the female internal reproductive organs mainly include ovary, fallopian tube, seminal vesicle and accessory glands, and the male internal reproductive organs mainly include testis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct and accessory glands. 【Conclusion】 This study ascertained the structural characteristics of the digestive system, nervous system, respiratory system, reproductive system and sensory organs of C. punctatus adults, providing more direct and accurate evidence for the study on the development of Culicoides and being helpful to improve the comprehensiveness and accuracy of monitoring, forecast and control of biting midges.

Key words: Culicoides punctatus, organs and systems, histological structure, paraffin section, hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining