Bombus breviceps,pubescence,colour pattern,clustering analysis,geographical distribution

,"/> <p class="MsoNormal" align="center" style="text-align:left;margin-left:0cm;"> 云南短头熊蜂体色模式多态性地理分布格局

昆虫学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 67 ›› Issue (1): 102-115.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2024.01.011

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


梁铖1, 秦加敏1, 宗德琴1, 李雨时1, 丁桂玲2,*, 黄家兴2   

  1. (1. 云南省农业科学院蚕桑蜜蜂研究所, 蒙自 661101; 2. 中国农业科学院蜜蜂研究所, 农业农村部授粉昆虫生物学重点开放实验室, 北京100093)

  • 出版日期:2024-01-20 发布日期:2024-01-27

Geographical distribution pattern of the polymorphism of colour patterns of Bombus breviceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Yunnan, southwestern China

LIANG Cheng1, QIN Jia-Min1, ZONG De-Qin1, LI Yu-Shi1, DING Gui-Ling2, *, HUANG Jia-Xing2

  1. (1. Sericulture and Apiculture Research Institute,YunnanAcademyof Agricultural Sciences, Mengzi 661101,China; 2. Key Laboratory for Insect-Pollinator Biology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)

  • Online:2024-01-20 Published:2024-01-27


【目的】熊蜂是自然环境中一类重要的传粉昆虫,其体表通常覆盖着颜色鲜亮的体毛,从而形成明显的体色模式。本研究旨在探明云南短头熊蜂Bombus breviceps体色模式多态性的地理分布格局,为熊蜂遗传进化及环境适应性研究提供基础数据。【方法】通过检视2017-2021年在云南和贵州共127个采样点采集的957头短头熊蜂标本〔包括雌成蜂898头(蜂王103头、工蜂795头)以及雄成蜂59头〕,绘制雌、雄成蜂体色模式图,分析体色模式的类型及优势度。基于不同体节的体色组成对体色模式进行系统聚类,基于经纬度0.5°×0.5°单元格内体色类群组成分析云南短头熊蜂体色模式的地理分布格局。【结果】短头熊蜂胸部背板体毛的颜色在黑色、灰黄色和橙黄色间过渡变化,腹部背板体毛颜色有黑色、灰黄色、黄色和深棕色,腹部第1背板体毛均为黄色,黄色体毛由第1背板向后逐节延伸最多至第3背板的整节,第2, 3背板的体毛为黄色、黑色或灰黄色,而深棕色体毛由腹部第6背板向前逐节延伸最多至第3背板的下半节;雌成蜂有81种体色模式,其中工蜂有80种,蜂王有13种,其中12种与工蜂相同,雄成蜂有37种体色模式,其中28种与雌成蜂相似。雌成蜂的81种体色模式中,优势体色模式有2种,丰盛体色模式有5种,常见体色模式有10种,稀少体色模式有64种。雌成蜂体色模式可聚为3个体色类群,即:A类群(黑胸棕尾),B-1类群(橙胸黑尾)和B-2类群(橙胸棕尾)。云南短头熊蜂体色模式的地理分布可划分为云南高原西部(I)和云南高原东部(Ⅱ)2个大区。I区进一步可分为滇中亚热带高原区(I1)和滇西南热带低山宽谷区(I2);Ⅱ区进一步可分为滇东南亚热带岩溶山地河谷区(Ⅱ1)和滇东北亚热带中山河谷区(Ⅱ2)。A体色类群仅分布于I1小区,I2小区仅有B-2类群分布,而B-1类群仅分布于Ⅱ区,且同域分布有B-2类群。体色模式多态性高低与分布地经纬度无明显相关性,云南高原中部24.00°-24.50°N,102.50°-103.00°E方格内的体色模式多态性最高,达18种;A体色类群分布地平均海拔[(1 951±311) m]极显著高于B-1[(1 568±352) m]和B-2[(1 556±534) m]类群分布地平均海拔。【结论】云南短头熊蜂体色模式多态性丰富,可划分为3个主要的体色类群,其地理分布与气候区划、地型地貌和土地利用类型相关,地理区划特征明显,同区域内体色模式多态性向优势模式趋同。本研究结果对深入挖掘中国本土熊蜂资源和物种多样性保护具有重要意义,为不同生境利用与发展熊蜂提供技术支撑。

关键词: 短头熊蜂, 体毛, 体色模式, 聚类分析, 地理分布


【Aim】 As an important group of pollinators in the natural environment, bumblebees are covered with brightly coloured hairs that form distinctive colour patterns. This study aims to investigate the geographical distribution pattern of the colour-pattern polymorphism of Bombus breviceps inYunnan, southwestern China to provide basic data for the study of genetic evolution and environmental adaptability of bumblebees. 【Methods】 A total of 957 B. breviceps specimens including 898 female adults (103 queens and 795 workers) and 59 male adults collected from 127 sampling sites inYunnanandGuizhoufrom 2017 to 2021 were examined. The colour patterns of these specimens were scored and the colour pattern groups and their relative abundance were analyzed. Clustering analysis was conducted based on the pubescence colour composition of different elements and the geographical distribution pattern of the colour patterns was analyzed based on their distribution in grid cells of 0.5° longitude × 0.5° latitude. Results The colours of the thoracic dorsum pubescence of B. breviceps include black, grey yellow, and orange yellow, while those of the abdominal dorsum pubescence include black, grey yellow, yellow and dark brown. All the 1st abdominal segments are covered with yellow pubescence, which can extend up to the abdominal tergum 3. Gastral terga 2 and 3 are covered with yellow, black, or grey yellow pubescence and the dark brown pubescence can stretch from gastral tergum 6 forward to the lower part of gastral tergum 3. A total of 81 colour patterns were identified in female adults of B. breviceps. Eighty different colour patterns were detected in workers and 13 colour patterns were identified in queens. The workers and queens shared 12 colour patterns. The male adults of B. breviceps exhibited 37 different colour patterns, 28 of which were similar to those of female adults. The 81 colour patterns of female adults of B. breviceps include 2 dominant, 5 abundant, 10 common and 64 sparse colour patterns. The colour patterns of female adults of B. breviceps were clustered into three body colour groups: group A (black thoracic dorsum with dark brown abdominal segments), group B-1 (dark brown thoracic dorsum with dark abdominal segments), and group B-2 (dark brown thoracic dorsum and abdominal segments).  The geographical distribution of the colour patterns of B. breviceps inYunnancould be grouped into two regions: western Yunnan Plateau (I) and eastern Yunnan Plateau (II). Region I could be further divided into subtropical plateau basin region in central Yunnan (I1) and tropical low mountain and wide valley region in southwest Yunnan (I2). Region II could be further divided into tropical karst mountain valley area in Southeast Yunnan (II1) and subtropical mid-mountain valley area in Northeast Yunnan (II2). Group A colour pattern is only distributed in subregion I1 and group B-2 was only distributed in subregion I2. Group B-1 colour pattern is only distributed in region II, where group B-2 colour pattern is also distributed. There was no significant correlation between the polymorphisms of the colour pattern and the latitude and longitude of distribution area. There were up to 18 colour patterns distributed in the central Yunnan Plateau (24.00°-24.50°N, 102.50°-103.00°E), representing the greatest colour-pattern polymorphism area. The average altitude of group A colour pattern [(1 951±311) m] was extremely significantly higher than those of group B-1 colour pattern [(1 568±352) m] and group B-2 colour pattern [(1 556±534) m]. Conclusion B. breviceps exhibits a striking intraspecific polymorphism of colour patterns inYunnan. The colour patterns can be divided into three main groups, and their distribution is related to climatic zoning, geomorphology and land use type. The distribution of the colour patterns has obvious geographical division characteristics and their polymorphisms in the same domain converge to the dominant colour patterns. The results of this study are of great significance for the in-depth exploration of local bumblebee resources and the conservation of species diversity inChina, and provide technical support for the utilization and development of bumblebees in different habitats.

Key words: Bombus breviceps')">

Bombus breviceps, pubescence, colour pattern, clustering analysis, geographical distribution