›› 2002, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 494-498.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2002-08-20 发布日期:2002-08-20

Diversity in life history of the leaf beetle, Colaphellus bowringi Baly

XUE Fang-Sen1, LI Ai-Qing1,ZHU Xing-Fen1, GUI Ai-Li1,JIANG Pei-Lan1, LIU Xiao-Fen2   

  • Online:2002-08-20 Published:2002-08-20

摘要: 大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi是江西山区十字花科蔬菜上的重要食叶害虫,以成虫在土中越夏和越冬。由于成虫滞育期的差异,该虫的化性显示了明显的种内变异。有些个体隔年繁殖;有些个体是一化性的,仅在春季或秋季繁殖1代;有些个体是二化性的,春季和秋季各繁殖1代;有些个体是多化性的,春季1代,秋季2~3代。因此,大猿叶虫在田间一年可发生4代。在春季,滞育成虫于2月底至4月初陆续出土繁殖;在秋季,滞育成虫于8月中旬至10月初陆续出土繁殖。春季羽化的成虫于4月底至6月上旬陆续入土越夏,秋季羽化的成虫于9月中旬至12月底陆续入土越冬。大猿叶虫一生能交配多次,大多数雌虫的产卵期超过1个月,最长达67天。平均每雌产卵量:春季世代为644粒,秋季世代为963粒,最高达1.950粒。各虫态的发育历期:在15~30℃间,卵为13.78~3.14天,幼虫为22.83~6.95天,蛹为12.10~3.18天。发育阈值温度:卵为10.7℃,幼虫为8.8℃,蛹为9.6℃。非滞育成虫的寿命约为1~2个月,滞育成虫的寿命为5~38个月。滞育成虫均入土蛰伏,在土中的蛰伏深度为9~31 cm 。

关键词: 大猿叶虫, 生活史多样性, 化性, 夏蛰, 冬眠

Abstract: The leaf beetle, Colaphellus bowringi Baly is a serious pest of crucifers in mountain areas of Jiangxi Province, aestivating and hibernating as adults in the soil. The beetle showed considerable intrapopulation variation in its life history due to the differences in the duration of diapause. Some individuals took more than one year to produce one generation. Some were univoltine, i.e., only one generation in spring or autumn; some were biovoltine, i.e., one generation in spring and another in autumn; and some were multivoltine, i.e., one generation in spring and two or three generations in autumn. Thus, there could be up to four generations per year in the field. In spring, diapausing adults began to appear from the soil one after another from late February to early April. In autumn, diapausing adults appeared in succession from mid-August to early October. Newly emerged adults of the spring generation began to burrow into soil for dormancy between the end of April and early June. Adults of the autumn generation began to enter diapause from midSeptember to the end of December. Adult beetles could mate many times during their reproductive period. The egg-laying period of most females exceeded one month, the longest being 67 days. An average individual female could produce 644 eggs in the spring generation, 963 eggs in the autumn generation, the most being 1 950 eggs. Between 15 and 30℃, developmental duration was 13.78-3.14 days in the egg stage, 22.83-6.95 days in the larval stage, and 12.10-3.18 days in the pupal stage. Developmental thresholds were 10.7℃ for egg, 8.8℃ for larva and 9.6℃ for pupae. Non-diapausing adults had a life span of about 1-2 months. The life span of diapausing adults ranged from 5 to 38 months. All aestivating and hibernating adults displayed digging behavior and burrowed in soil to depths of 9-31 cm.

Key words: Colaphellus bowringi, diversity of life history, voltinism, aestivation, hibernation