Acta Entomologica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 67 ›› Issue (9): 1200-1208.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2024.09.004

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Effects of Sitobion miscanthi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) treated with sublethal concentrations of dinotefuran on the predation function and growth and development of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

FEI Shao-Dan1, LIU Yong-Gang1,2,*, SUN Jia-Cong1, REN Xing-Ping1, WANG Yi-Xuan1, LIU Jing-Long1, ZHANG Hai-Ying2,*   

  1.  (1. College of Plant Protection, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2. Institute of Plant Protection, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China)
  • Online:2024-09-20 Published:2024-10-22

Abstract: 【Aim】 To explore the effects of aphids treated with sublethal concentrations of dinotefuran on the predation function and growth and development of Harmonia axyridis, so as to provide the theoretical basis for protection against natural enemies and utilization of natural enemies of pests and effective management of wheat aphids. 【Methods】 H. axyridis larvae of various instars were fed with the 3rd instar nymphs of Sitobion miscanthi treated with sublethal concentrations (LC20 and LC30) of dinotefuran by leaf-dipping method. After being fed with aphids treated with dinotefuran, the predation amounts Na, instantaneous attack rates a, handling time Th, daily maximum predation amounts Na-max, predation efficiency a/Th and duration of various developmental stages of H. axyridis were detected and calculated. 【Results】 The predation of H. axyridis larvae on the 3rd instar nymphs of S. miscanthi fitted with the Holling’s disc equation. Fed with the 3rd instar nymphs of S. miscanthi treated with LC20 and LC30 of dinotefuran, the handling time Th of H. axyridis larvae on S. miscanthi extended, the instantaneous attack rates a, daily maximum predation amounts Na-max, and predation efficiency a/Th reduced as compared to those in the control group (H. axyridis larvae fed with the 3rd instar S. miscanthi nymphs non-subjected to dinotefuran treatment). The predation efficiency a/Th of the 1st instar larvae was most significantly affected by LC20 and LC30 of dinotefuran among all instars, being reduced by 24.03% and 50.48%, respectively, as compared with those in the control group. The searching efficiency of H. axyridis larvae on S. miscanthi nymphs showed different degrees of decline, and the duration of H. axyridis larvae of various instars was prolonged at varying degrees. The inhibitory effect of aphids containing pesticides on the predation function and growth and development of H. axyridis increased with the increase of dinotefuran concentration. 【Conclusion】 The predation function, growth and development of H. axyridis could be inhibited by feeding on the 3rd instar S. miscanthi nymphs treated with sublethal concentrations of dinotefuran. Pesticide spraying should be done during the peak period of the 4th instar larvae of H. axyridis with the highest predation efficiency and minimized impact by pesticides, which may help reduce the negative effects of pesticides during aphid control and enhance the protection and utilization of natural enemies.

Key words: Harmonia axyridis; dinotefuran, sublethal effect, predation function, growth and development