›› 2002, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 436-440.
• RESEARCH PAPERS • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Yu-Xiu, MENG Xian-Zuo*
Abstract: The behavioral responses of individual male Acleris fimbriana Thunberg et Becklin to synthetic sex pheromone components, E11,13-14∶Ald, E11,13-14∶Ac and E11-14∶Ac were observed in a wind tunnel. The results indicated that E11,13-14∶Ald alone could activate the male behaviors of walking and wing fanning, taking flight, upwind flight, touchdown and walking and wing fanning at source, but copulatory behavior was observed only when E11,13-14∶Ac was added. On the other hand, none of males showed any response to the other two components, E11,13-14∶Ac and E11-14∶Ac. Compared with E11,13-14∶Ald alone, a binary blend of E11,13-14∶Ald and E11,13-14∶Ac (6∶4) increased the number of males exhibiting the behavior of upwind flight and touchdown at source. Furthermore, with 3-component baits, the percentage of walking and wing fanning at source and copulatory behavior showed a highly significant increase. The optimum ratios of 2-component and 3-component pheromone mixtures were 6∶4 and 6∶4∶1 respectively. The optimum dose of synthetic pheromone was 500 μg. In field trapping tests, E11,13-14∶Ald was highly attractive to yellow tortrix males, attracting 1.9 times more males than virgin females, but the other 2 compounds were ineffective. Addition of E11,13-14∶Ac to E11,13-14∶Ald significantly enhanced attraction, while E11-14∶Ac had no effect. A tertiary blend of E11,13-14∶Ald, E11,13-14∶Ac and E11-14∶Ac at a ratio of 6∶4∶1 was the most attractive to males among all compounds testes.
Key words: Acleris fimbriana, sex pheromone, wind tunnel, behavioral response, field tests
LIU Yu-Xiu, MENG Xian-Zuo*. Behavioral response of male Acleris fimbriana Thunberg et Becklin (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)to synthetic sex pheromones[J]., 2002, 45(4): 436-440.
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