›› 2017, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (6): 666-680.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2017.06.007

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


严林1,*, 郭蕊2, 李亚娟1, 李琳琳1, 卫琼茹1, 韩云帮1, 刘梦瑶1, 马秀莲1   

  1. (1. 青海大学农牧学院草业科学系, 西宁 810016; 2. 咸阳市长武县住房和城乡建设局, 陕西咸阳 713600)
  • 出版日期:2017-06-20 发布日期:2017-06-20

Morphology and bionomics of Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Chinese wolfberry (Lycium barbarum)

YAN Lin 1,*, GUO Rui2, LI Ya-Juan1, LI Lin-Lin1, WEI Qiong-Ru1, HAN Yun-Bang1, LIU Meng-Yao1, MA Xiu-Lian1   

  1. (1. Department of Grassland Sciences, Collage of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, China; 2. Housing and Urban and Rural Construction Bureau in Changwu County, Xianyang, Shaanxi 713600, China)
  • Online:2017-06-20 Published:2017-06-20

摘要: 【目的】棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover是一种分布广泛的重要农业害虫,其寄主范围较广。近年发现棉蚜严重为害一种新的寄主植物枸杞Lycium barbarum L.。枸杞是名贵中药材和食物,枸杞上生活的棉蚜的生活史特征尚不清楚。为了更好地预测预报和有效防控枸杞棉蚜,减轻枸杞的受害损失,本研究对栽培枸杞上棉蚜的生物学特性进行了系统研究。【方法】在田间条件下,对青海栽培枸杞树上的棉蚜各蚜型和虫态进行了详细调查,记述了各虫态的形态特征、发育历期、生活史、寄主植物、习性、发生规律及天敌种类。【结果】枸杞树上的棉蚜为害嫩枝梢、叶片、花蕾和果实,引起枸杞果产量和品质严重下降。枸杞棉蚜有6种蚜型,即孤雌蚜(有翅型和无翅型)、性母蚜、性蚜(性雄蚜和性雌蚜)和干母蚜,蚜型间的形态有明显差异,可用于区别不同的生活史阶段。枸杞棉蚜原寄主是枸杞,在青海一年发生10~16代,以滞育卵在枸杞树干和树枝上越冬,翌年4月上中旬开始孵化产生干母,5月产生无翅孤雌蚜进行孤雌生殖,6月开始产生有翅孤雌蚜,在田间迁飞扩散,7月和8月田间出现两次蚜虫数量高峰,孤雌蚜一直延续至9月,田间开始产生性母蚜、性雄蚜和性雌蚜,在枸杞树上进行有性生殖,10月中旬是交配、产卵高峰期,随后卵进入滞育越冬。若虫共4龄。无翅型若蚜期平均10.22±3.32 d,有翅型若蚜期平均9.55±2.53 d;无翅型成蚜寿命平均1010±107 d,有翅型成蚜寿命平均8.97±1.34 d;1代无翅型蚜虫总寿命平均20.32±6.31 d,有翅型蚜虫总寿命平均18.52±4.51 d;孤雌蚜繁殖后代中无翅型若蚜数量平均为17.86±5.66头/雌,有翅型若蚜数量平均为15.33±3.76 头/雌。枸杞田捕食和寄生棉蚜的优势天敌有多异瓢虫Hippodamia variegata (Goeze)、七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata L.、丽草蛉Chrysopa formosa Brauer和蚜茧蜂。【结论】枸杞树上棉蚜生活周期为全周期型。与其他寄主上的棉蚜比较,枸杞棉蚜体型更大、发育期更长、繁殖后代个数明显较少。在枸杞树上种群数量一年发生有2个高峰期,分别在7月和8月,有别于前人报道的其他寄主上棉蚜种群数量的1个高峰期出现在5-6月。这些差异可能与棉蚜对枸杞寄主和青藏高原环境产生生态适应性有关, 其适应机制需进一步探索。

关键词: 棉蚜, 枸杞, 形态学, 生物学, 生活史, 天敌

Abstract: 【Aim】 The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is an important widely dispersed agricultural pest with a wide host plant range. In recent years, it was found that Chinese wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) is heavily damaged by A. gossypii as a new host plant. L. barbarum mostly cultivated in the west of China is a rare traditional medicine and food, and the life cycle of A. gossypii on L. barbarum is still unclear. In this study, the biology and bionomics of A. gossypii on cultivated L. barbarum were studied in order to provide data for forecasting and managing A. gossypii on L. barbarum. 【Methods】 The morphological characteristics, developmental duration, life cycle, host plants, habits, population dynamics and natural enemy species of A. gossypii on cultivated L. barbarum plants were investigated under the field conditions in Qinghai Province. 【Results】 Both the nymphs and adults of A. gossypii directly damage Lycium host by sucking the cell sap from shoots, leaves, flowers and fruits. Population outbreaks of this pest lead to huge yield losses and dramatic quality decline of L. barbarum fruits. A. gossypii on L. barbarum host has six aphid types, i.e., virginoparae (apterous and alate parthenogenetic viviparous females), winged gynoparae, sexuparae (alate male and oviparous apterous female) and fundatrix, with significantly different external morphological characteristics which can be used to distinguish different life stages of this aphid. The original host for the aphid is Lycium vegetation. This aphid is polyvolitine (10-16 generations/year) in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The diapause eggs overwinter on trunk and twig of Lycium plants, and the fundatrix emerge from eggs in the next April. Apterous parthenogenesis aphids were often observed in early May, whereas winged aphids occur in June and migrate in Lycium fields. The viviparous stage ranges from May to September, and virginopara begin to produce sexual winged female aphids, alate males and apterous oviparous females. Mating and copulating, and oviposition on trunk and twig of Lycium plants were often observed in October. A. gossypii has four nymphal instars on Lycium plants. The average nymphal durations last 10.22±3.32 and 9.55±2.53 d, the average adult longevities are 10.10±1.07 and 8.97±1.34 d, the average entire life spans 20.32±6.31 and 18.52±4.51 d, and the average fecundities 17.86±5.66 and 15.33±3.76 nymphs per female for apterous and alate virginoparae, respectively. The main predators and natural enemies for A. gossypii include Hippodamia variegata (Goeze), Coccinella septempunctata L., Chrysopa formosa Brauer and Aphidius sp. in Lycium fields. 【Conclusion】 A. gossypii has a holocyclic life cycle on Lycium host. Its body size on Lycium host is bigger than that on other host plants, total developmental duration longer and fecundity less. Its population quantity on Lycium host has two peaks in August and September, respectively, instead of one peak on other hosts in May to June as found in the previous research. These differences may be related to the ecological adaptability of A. gossypii to Lycium host and the Qinghai-Tibet plateau environments. However, the adaptive mechanisms need further exploration.

Key words: Aphis gossypii, Lycium barbarum, morphology, biology, life cycle, natural enemy