昆虫学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (9): 1021-1032.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2016.09.013

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王磊1, 王常禄2,*, 许益镌1, 曾玲1,*   

  1. (1. 华南农业大学农学院, 广州 510642; 2. Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA)
  • 出版日期:2016-09-20 发布日期:2016-09-20

Current research on the resurgence, biology and control of bed bugs

WANG Lei1, WANG Chang-Lu2,*, XU Yi-Juan1, ZENG Ling1,*   

  1.  (1. College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 2. Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA)
  • Online:2016-09-20 Published:2016-09-20

摘要: 由于DDT等现代杀虫剂的问世,臭虫在20世纪40-50年代以后在全球大部分地区尤其是发达国家和地区销声匿迹,但近10多年来臭虫在部分国家和地区重新出现。本文对其再猖獗原因、生物学和行为、饲养、抗药性、监测与防治策略进行了综述,旨在引起国人的重视,对今后臭虫的监测和防治起到抛砖引玉的作用。本文分析了近15年有关温带臭虫Cimex lectularius L.和热带臭虫C. hemipterus(F.)的研究文献。臭虫再猖獗被认为是因为它对目前使用的杀虫剂例如拟除虫菊酯类等产生抗性以及频繁的地区及国际交往等因素造成的。简单、经济和大规模臭虫种群饲养方法——人工膜饲喂法的研发为我们开展臭虫生物学和生态学研究提供了便利。控制和根除臭虫目前仍较困难,采用害虫综合治理(integrated pest management, IPM)策略,包括臭虫知识宣传、主动监测、非化学防治方法(例如:经常洗涤床上用品、蒸汽熏蒸、热处理、使用床垫罩、在家具腿下放置臭虫拦截装置)、有选择使用杀虫剂以及定期监测及反复防治等措施,可达到很好的防控效果。在我国部分地区,臭虫发生也呈上升趋势,工人宿舍和火车车厢是常见的臭虫为害环境。有必要对我国臭虫发生现状及其抗药性进行调查与监测。还应借鉴国际先进技术,研制出我国适用的、有效的监测工具和防治方法,并根据我国具体国情制定出切实可行的防治标准。同时积极开展臭虫科普宣传,做到早发现、早防治,防止臭虫再猖獗和扩散。

关键词: 臭虫, 再猖獗, 生物学, 行为, 抗药性, 扩散, 害虫综合治理

Abstract: Since the mid-1990s, many developed countries and regions experienced a resurgence of bed bugs. In this article, we reviewed the researches on bed bugs, including the resurgence causes, their biology and behavior, artificial rearing techniques, insecticide resistance, and monitoring and management techniques. We summarized the studies on the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius L.) and the tropical bed bug (C. hemipterus (F.)) during the past 15 years. The recent resurgence of bed bugs was likely to be caused by high levels of insecticide resistance of bed bugs and frequent travel. Simple and inexpensive artificial membrane blood-feeding techniques were developed for mass rearing and maintenance of bed bugs. Integrated pest management (IPM) was shown to be the most effective and sustainable management strategy of bed bugs which includes education, proactive inspection, nonchemical treatments (laundering, encasing mattresses and boxsprings, steaming, installing intercepting devices), chemical treatments, and follow-up service visits until elimination is confirmed. Some areas in China, such as the Pearl River Delta area in Guangdong province, are also experiencing  risingincidences of bed bug infestations. Infestations were primarily found in migrant worker dormitories and passenger trains. It is urgent to monitor the occurrence of bed bugs and their insecticide resistance in China. Effective monitoring tools and control methods suitable for the unique environment in China are also needed. Establishing standards for the control of bed bug infestations will be very important. Government-organized community-wide bed bug education and control campaigns should be considered to increase public awareness and curb the current bed bug resurgence.

Key words: Bed bugs, resurgence, biology, behavior, insecticide resistance, spread, integrated pest management