昆虫学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 67 ›› Issue (7): 997-1005.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2024.07.010

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李虎#,*, 王怡帆#   

  1. (陕西理工大学生物科学与工程学院, 陕西省资源生物重点实验室, 汉中 723000)
  • 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-08-26

Progress in the taxonomy of Asilidae from China (Diptera: Brachycera)

LI Hu#,*, WANG Yi-Fan#   

  1.  (Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Bio-resources, School of Biological Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, China)
  • Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-08-26

摘要:  食虫虻科(Asilidae)隶属于昆虫纲(Insecta)双翅目(Diptera)短角亚目(Brachycera)食虫虻总科(Asiloidea),其体色体型多样,复眼大,口器发达呈圆锥形,通常具爪垫,飞行速度快,个体发育为完全变态类型,经历卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫4个阶段。食虫虻幼虫和成虫以捕获其他昆虫甚至蜘蛛等节肢动物为食,成虫食性较杂,能捕食黄蜂、蝴蝶、蝗虫等多个类群昆虫,其中以捕食膜翅目(Hymenoptera)昆虫最多,捕捉猎物时注入神经毒素和蛋白水解酶的唾液,以麻醉并分解猎物的肌肉组织;幼虫生活在土壤内和腐烂的植物中,通常以其他昆虫的卵和幼虫为食,在生态系统中起着维持昆虫种群平衡的重要作用。食虫虻科呈世界性分布,全世界已知14亚科560属7 552种,分类学研究以Linnaeus 1758年最早建立虫虻属Asilus为研究起点,此后历经265年发展,研究手段从形态学到分子生物学逐渐深入,物种数量大幅增加(1758年研究初始仅记录11种),分类体系逐渐完善(1981年4亚科至2004年14亚科)。中国目前记录10亚科62属236种,远低于世界已知种的10%,研究工作主要为种类调查和新种描述。食虫虻科系统发育,其科级阶元的单系性基本没有争议,但科内各亚科的单系性还有待进一步讨论,虫虻亚科(Asilinae)、毛虫虻亚科(Laphriinae)、细腹虫虻亚科(Leptogastrinae)、细芒虫虻亚科(Ommatiinae)、的单系性得到了较好的支持,但钩胫虫虻亚科(Dasypogoninae)、整额虫虻亚科(Tillobromatinae)、瘦芒虫虻亚科(Stenopogoninae)、室闭虫虻亚科(Willistonininae)、追虫虻亚科(Dioctriinae)、短喙虫虻亚科(Trigonomiminae)、窄额虫虻亚科(Stichopogoninae)和翅芽虫虻亚科(Brachyrhopalinae)亚科单系性亟待研究。世界食虫虻科分类研究取得丰硕成果,但尚存一些问题:缺乏高质量的系统性分类修订工作;主要类群间系统发育关系尚不明确;研究方法单一。今后应加强利用线粒体DNA、转录组、低覆盖等分子技术结合形态学重新构建系统发关系。中国地大物博、地貌多元,昆虫多样性十分丰富,但食虫虻研究工作起步晚,其本底资源和分布格局不清,亟待对中国食虫虻进行系统化整理和分类修订,结合分子技术对属及以上阶元探究系统发育关系,结合ArcGIS探究我国食虫虻地理分布格局,进一步探究该类群在生态系统中的作用和价值,提高我国食虫虻研究水平,为生产实践提供参考资料。

关键词:  双翅目, 食虫虻科, 食虫虻, 分类, 系统发育, 中国

Abstract: The Asilidae, or robber flies, belong to the superfamily Asiloidea, suborder Brachycera, and order Diptera of the class Insecta. They exhibit a wide variety of body colors and shapes, have large compound eyes, and possess well-developed, cone-shaped mouthparts. Typically, they have claw pads and are capable of fast flight. Their life cycle is holometabolous, passing through egg, larval, pupal and adult stages. Both larvae and adults of robber flies prey on other insects and even spiders. Adult robber flies have a diverse diet preying on wasps, butterflies, locusts, and many other groups of insects. They are particularly adept at preying on Hymenoptera. When capturing preys, they inject neurotoxins and proteolytic enzymes in their saliva to paralyze and break down the muscle tissue of their preys. The larvae live in soil and decaying plant matter, usually feeding on the eggs and larvae of other insects. They play an important role in maintaining the balance of insect populations in ecosystems. The Asilidae are distributed worldwide comprising 7 552 species from 560 genera under 14 known subfamilies. Taxonomic research began with Linnaeus’ establishment of the genus Asilus in 1758. Over the past 265 years, research methods have evolved from morphology to molecular biology, greatly increasing the number of known species (from an initial 11 recorded in 1758) and refining the classification system [from 4 (in 1981) to 14 (in 2004) subfamilies]. In China, 236 species of 62 genera within 10 subfamilies have been recorded so far, and the number of species is far less than 10% of the known species worldwide. The main work involves species surveys and descriptions of new species. The monophyly of Asilidae at the family level is generally undisputed, but the monophyly of each subfamily within the family is still under discussion. The monophyly of the subfamilies Asilinae, Laphriinae, Leptogastrinae and Ommatiinae, is well supported. However, the monophyly of Dasypogoninae, Tillobromatinae, Stenopogoninae, Willistonininae, Dioctriinae, Trigonomiminae, Stichopogoninae and Brachyrhopalinae needs further research. While significant achievements have been made in global taxonomic research on Asilidae, there are still some problems: lack of highquality systematic taxonomic revisions, unclear phylogenetic relationships between major groups, and single research methods. In future, use of mitochondrial DNA/transcriptome/lowcoverage molecular techniques combined with morphology to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships should be strengthened. The vast territory and diverse topography in China support a rich insect diversity. However, the research on robber flies started late in China. The basic resources and distribution patterns are unclear. There is an urgent need for systematic organization and taxonomic revision of Chinese robber flies. Molecular techniques can be used to explore phylogenetic relationships at the genus level or above. ArcGIS can be used to explore the geographical distribution patterns of robber flies in China. Further research on their role and value in ecosystems can improve our understanding of this group and provide reference materials for practical applications.

Key words: Diptera, Asilidae, robber fly, taxonomy, phylogeny, China