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  • Monthly, Founded in 1950
    Supervisor:Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Sponsor:Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
    The Entomological Society of China
    Domestic postal code: 2-153
    Foreign issuance code: Q61
    ISSN 0454-6296
    CN 11-1832/Q
Table of Content
20 June 2018, Volume 61 Issue 6
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    Fine mapping of mutant gene in the chinese translucent (oc) mutant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori
    YIN Ya-Ru, HU Jian, HU Wen-Bo, YANG Cheng-Fei, WANG Kun, LIU Chun, LIN Ying, ZHU Yong, WANG Ling-Yan
    2018, 61(6):  627-636.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.001
    Abstract ( 1138 )   PDF (3791KB) ( 442 )     
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    【Aim】 The chinese translucent (oc) mutant is one of the translucent mutants in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Its responsible gene has been mapped at 40.8 cM on chromosome 5. The purpose of this study is to fine map and clone the candidate gene for oc mutation and to explore the molecular mechanism of the oc mutant. 【Methods】 A BC1 generation was got by hybridizing male F1 (the mutant strain oc×the wild-type strain Dz) with female oc. The markers were designed according to reference genomes, and those showing polymorphism between oc and Dz were used for the genetic analysis of 1 397 BC1 individuals. The candidate genes in the oc tightly linked region were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and qPCR, and the target candidate gene was identified, cloned and sequenced. The cause of oc mutation was analyzed. 【Results】 The oc locus was mapped to the 234 kb region between markers M10 and M11 using 1 397 BC1 individuals and 11 polymorphic markers. There are five predicted protein-coding genes in this region. The expression analysis of the five predicted genes in the integument of ten strains of B. mori indicated that only BGIBMGA003572 was severely suppressed in the oc mutant as compared with in the wildtype strain. The sequence homology analysis indicated that the encoded protein of BGIBMGA003572 is homologous to the human monocarboxylate transporter 9, a possible uric acid transporter, which might be the candidate gene for oc mutation. The cloning and sequencing results of BGIBMGA003572 showed that five amino acids changed in the oc mutant as compared with the wild-type strain. 【Conclusion】 In this study, the oc locus was mapped to the 234 kb region by positional cloning technique, in which BGIBMGA003572 encoding a monocarboxylate transporter 9 might contribute to the phenotype of oc mutant.
    Molecular cloning and functional characterization of N-β-alanyl-dopamine hydroxylase gene in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
    DU Xiao-Yan, FU Kai-Bin, XU Qing-Yu, Tursun AHMT, DING Xin-Hua, HE Jiang, GUO Wen-Chao
    2018, 61(6):  637-645.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.002
    Abstract ( 1012 )   PDF (3374KB) ( 355 )     
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    【Aim】 This study aims to clarify the function of N-β-alanyl-dopamine (NBAD) hydrolase gene important in melanin biosythesis in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata by RNA interference. 【Methods】 The NBAD hydrolase gene in L. decemlineata was characterized by data mining based on its transcriptome, its cDNA was cloned by RT-PCR, and the gene completeness and phylogeny were determined by multiple alignment and phylogenetic analysis, respectively. The expression levels of NBAD hydrolase gene in different developmental stages, tissues of the 4th instar larvae and male gonad and ovary of adults of L. decemlineata were detected by qPCR. The color change during larval growth was observed after RNAi, and the mechanism how the expression of NBAD hydrolase gene was influenced by juvenile hormone (JH) and molting hormone (MH) was assayed .【Results】 An NBAD hydroxylase gene was cloned from L. decemlineata and named Ldtan (GenBank accession no.: KY221866). Its encoded protein shows the highest amino acid sequence identity with the homologous proteins from Tribolium castaneum and Dendroctonus ponderosae and clustered into the same clade with them. The spatial expression profiles showed that Ldtan were highly expressed in ventral nerve cord, hindgut and cuticle of L. decemlineata, with the relative expression levels of 99.36±0.95, 17.79±3.11 and 9.21±0.12, respectively, while the temporal expression profiles showed that its expression level increased along with larval growth and reached the peak at the adult stage. Knockdown of Ldtan gene by feeding dsLdtan to the 2nd instar larvae not only led to tanned color, but also a degree of lethal effect. Knocking down the expression of JH synthesis and signal-related genes by RNAi downregulated the expression of Ldtan, while knocking down the expression of MH synthesis and signal-related genes by RNAi upregulated the expression of Ldtan. 【Conclusion】 The results suggest that Ldtan is involved in melanin synthesis in L. decemlineata, and JH and MH probably regulate its expression.
    Identification and expression profiling of chemosensory protein genes in Galeruca daurica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) (In English)
    LI Ling, ZHOU Yuan-Tao, TAN Yao, ZHOU Xiao-Rong, PANG Bao-Ping
    2018, 61(6):  646-656.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.003
    Abstract ( 914 )   PDF (3130KB) ( 368 )     
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     【Aim】 Galeruca daurica is a new pest with outbreak status in grasslands of Inner Mongolia, northern China. The chemosensory proteins (CSPs) of insects are a class of small and water soluble proteins whose functions are to recognize and transport environmental chemical stimuli to receptors, participating in many aspects of insect behavior. The objective of this study is to identify the chemosensory protein genes and to analyze their expression profiles in G. daurica. 【Methods】 The chemosensory protein genes in G. daurica were identified by screening the transcriptome data of G. daurica assembled in our laboratory, and qPCR was conducted to analyze their expression levels in different developmental stages (egg, 1st-3rd instar larva, pupa and adult) and adult tissues (antenna, head with antennae removed, thorax, abdomen, leg and wing). 【Results】 Ten chemosensory protein genes were identified from G. daurica, and named as GdauCSP1-10 (GenBank accession numbers: KY885471-KY885480), respectively. The amino acid sequence identity between the 10 GdauCSPs ranges from 17.27% to 62.79% with a high divergence between each other. The results of Blast in NCBI showed that GdauCSPs have the highest amino acid sequence identity (90%) with PmacCSP from Pyrrhalta maculicollis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that four of the 10 GdauCSPs were firstly clustered into a clade with PmacCSPs from P. maculicollis. The qPCR results proved that the expression levels of GdCSPs were significantly different in different developmental stages, and five GdCSPs including GdauCSP4-5, GdauCSP7-8, and GdauCSP10 had significantly higher expression levels in the adult stage than in other developmental stages while GdCSP2 had significantly higher expression level in the egg stage than in other developmental stages. GdauCSPs were also expressed in the head with antennae removed, thorax, abdomen, leg and wing besides in the antenna, and 10 GdauCSPs had different tissue expression profiles but five out of 10 GdauCSPs, including GdauCSP2, GdauCSP4, GdauCSP5, GdauCSP8 and GdauCSP9, had significantly higher expression levels in female antennae than in other tissues. 【Conclusion】 These results suggest that GdauCSPs may play different roles in the development and chemosensory process of G. daurica. This study lays the necessary foundation for further research on the physiological function of CSPs and the molecular mechanism of chemical communication in G. daurica.
    Molecular cloning, tissue expression profiling and binding characterization of the pheromone binding protein SlitPBP4 from Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
    SUN Jia-Bin, LIU Nai-Yong, LI Shuang-Mei, YAN Qi, DONG Shuang-Lin
    2018, 61(6):  657-667.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.004
    Abstract ( 791 )   PDF (4017KB) ( 485 )     
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     【Aim】 This study aims to identify the new pheromone binding protein (PBP) gene of Spodoptera litura, to clarify its tissue expression pattern and to explore its functions. 【Methods】 Based on the sequence characteristics of PBP4 homologues and their vicinity with other PBP genes on the chromosome in four non-noctuid species (Manduca sexta, Bombyx mori, Danausplexippus and Melitaea cinxia) reported previously, a PBP4 gene was obtained from S. litura by analyzing S. litura PBP/GOBP genes previously cloned by our laboratory. The tissue expression patterns of this gene in male and female adults were determined by RT-PCR and qPCR. The binding properties of the recombinant PBP4 protein to sex pheromone components and plant odorants were measured by fluorescence competitive binding assay. 【Results】 The first PBP4 gene in Noctuidae was identified from S. litura and named SlitPBP4, which was deposited in GenBank under accession number MG356847. The cDNA sequence of SlitPBP4 encodes 210 amino acids, with the typical sequence features of PBPs, including an N terminal signal peptide, several hydrophobic regions, six conserved cysteines, and two introns inserted at the conserved positions in the genomic DNA. However, SlitPBP4 has a C terminus much longer than that of the other three reported SlitPBPs. SlitPBP4 showed predominantly high expression level in the male abdomen (the reproductive systems) but nearly undetectable in the antennae and other adult tissues. Fluorescence competitive binding assay showed that SlitPBP4 protein had no obvious binding ability to the tested pheromone components and plant odors. 【Conclusion】 The first PBP4 gene of noctuids was reported. SlitPBP4 is likely to be involved primarily in the reproduction-related physiological processes in male adults, rather than the olfactory function of other reported PBP genes in noctuids.
    Distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the optic lobes of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Lepidotpera: Noctuidae)
    GUO Pei, MA Bai-Wei, ZHAO Xin-Cheng, WANG Gao-Ping, XIE Gui-Ying
    2018, 61(6):  668-675.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.005
    Abstract ( 967 )   PDF (3085KB) ( 675 )     
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    【Aim】 This study aims to investigate the anatomy of the optic lobes of adults of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata (Lepidotpera: Noctuidae) and the distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the neuroplis of the optic lobes. 【Methods】 The tissue embedding and section, immunohistochemical staining with synaptic protein antibody and anti-5-HT serum were used to label the neuropil structure of the optic lobe and 5-HT in M. separata adults, respectively. The digital images of the optic lobes were obtained by using laser scanning confocal microscopy. The identification of neuropils and the grouping and counting of 5-HT immunoreactive (5-HTi) cell bodies were performed using image software. 【Results】 The optic lobe of M. separata adults is composed of five neuropils, i.e., lamina, medulla, accessory medulla, lobula, and lobula plate. There are about 40 5-HTi cell bodies in each optic lobe, and all the five neuropil regions contain 5-HTi neural processes. 5-HTi neural processes in lamina are originated from the tangential neurons of the optic lobe, and the processes of medulla are from the tangential neurons, centrifugal neurons and amacrine neurons. Medulla is distributed into mainly three layers, in which the middle layer possesses the densest 5-HTi processes. A few of 5-HTi processes exist in accessory medulla. In the lobula and lobula plate, the 5-HTi processes are originated from the centrifugal neurons. At least two layers of 5-HTi processes in lobula and lobula plate were observed. A few of neural processes project to medulla and connect lobula, lobula plate and medula. 【Conclusion】 5-HT immunoreactive fibers are widely distributed in the optic lobe of M. separata. The results provide the basic knowledge of neural anatomy for further studying the role of 5-HT in the visual system of M. separata.
    Weissella paramesenteroides facilitates the systemic growth of Drosophila melanogaster by modulating ecdysone and insulin signaling pathways (In English)
    LI En-Hui, WANG Xiao-Yang, ZHANG Le-Xiao, BAI Peng, ZHAO Xin, LIU Wei, ZHANG Ce
    2018, 61(6):  676-685.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.006
    Abstract ( 1062 )   PDF (2160KB) ( 370 )     
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    【Aim】 To investigate the effects of lactic acid bacteria Weisellas paramesenteroides on the growth and development of Drosophila melanogaster. 【Methods】 Bacterium was isolated from the gut of D.melanogaster adults with selective medium and identified by BLAST analysis of 16S rRNA gene. The developmeantal duration of D. melanogaster was quantified by counting the time to puparium formation and adult eclosion, and the growth rate was calculated as the body surface area of larvae. The expression levels of genes involved in hormoral (dib, E74B and PTTH) and insulin signaling(DILP2, DILP3 and InR)of D. melanogaster at different time after egg deposition were assayed by quantitative real-time PCR. The glucose level in the hemolymph of the 3rd instar larvae was measured by glucose oxidase assay. 【Results】 W. paramesenteroides was isoloated and efficiently colonized in the gut of D. melanogaster adults. W. paramesenteroides shortened the time to puparium formation and adult eclosion of D. melanogaster by enhancing the growth rate of flies. W. paramesenteroides increased the expression levels of dib, E74B and PTTH, as well as the expression of DILP2 and DILP3, while decreased the expression levels of InR and the glucose level in larval hemolymph.【Conclusion】 W. paramesenteroides is the symbiotic bacterium of D. melanogaster, and promotes its development by activting the ecdysone and insulin signaling pathways.
    Composition and diversity of microbes in the infrabuccal pocket of Camponotus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
    ZHANG Kai-Xuan, WEI Cong, NAN Xiao-Ning , WANG Yun-Guo, HE Hong
    2018, 61(6):  686-697.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.007
    Abstract ( 1067 )   PDF (3909KB) ( 487 )     
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    【Aim】 This study aims to investigate the microbe composition (actinomycetes, bacteria and fungi) and the diversity of bacteria in the infrabuccal pocket of the Japanese carpenter ant, Camponotus japonicus, so as to explore their potential functions in food utilization and population immunity. 【Methods】 The culturedependent method and HiSeq high-througput sequencing technique were combined to analyze the microbes in the infrabuccal pocket, digestive tract and cuticle of C. japonicus workers collected in Yangling, Shaanxi, northwestern China. 【Results】 Ten actinobacterial strains were isolated from the infrabuccal pocket of C. japonicus workers, among which five strains belong to Streptomyce with the average isolation frequencies of 73.3%-96.7%. Seven bacterial strains were isolated and four of them were Bacillus, and the average isolation frequencies of the strains N-B1 and N-B4 were both above 70%. Three fungal strains were isolated, and the isolation frequency of the dominant strain P-F1 (Wickerhamiella) was up to 96.7%. All strains isolated from the crop, midgut and cuticle could be found in the infrabuccal pocket, and the species number of the strains and the number of microbial colonies isolated from the infrabuccal pocket were higher than those isolated from the cuticle, crop and midgut. The results of HiSeq high-throughput sequencing showed that the dominant bacterial groups in the infrabuccal pocket mainly belong to Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, but in the crop and midgut the dominant bacterial groups belong to Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. The dominant genera with high abundance were more in the infrabuccal pockets and crops than in the midgut, and the bacterial composition in the midgut was relatively simple. The dominant genera in infrabuccal pocket included Fructobacillus, Bacterium, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Sphingtomonas. The microbial abundance and diversity in the infrabuccal pocket were higher than those in the crop and midgut. 【Conclusion】 Actinomycetes, Bacillus, yeasts and other predominant microbes generally exist in the infrabuccal pocket of C. japonicus, and their abundance and diversity levels are significantly higher than those in the digestive tract (crop and midgut). The potential roles of these microorganisms in food utilization, nutrient digestion and population immunity of ants need to be further studied.
    Isolation and identification of insecticidal compounds from Curcuma longa roots against Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididae) adults
    ZHANG Min, LIU Jia, FU Wei-Jie, DAI Guang-Hui
    2018, 61(6):  698-703.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.008
    Abstract ( 619 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 316 )     
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    【Aim】 This study aims to determine the insecticidal activity of the ethanol extract from Curcuma longa roots against Aphis craccivora adults, to identify the structure of the active compounds, and to evaluate the control effect of the active compound against this insect so as to establish basic data for its application in a botanical pesticide. 【Methods】 Insecticidal compounds were isolated and purified from the extract of C. longa roots with activity-guided fractionation by extraction, silica gel column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography, and their structures were identified based on NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and MS (mass spectrometry) data. The insecticidal activities of the extract and the active compounds against apterous adults of A. craccivora were evaluated by dipping method and topical application, respectively. 【Results】 The 95% ethanol extract of C. longa roots had an contact activity against the apterous adults of A. craccivora, with the LC50 value of 3 226.27 mg/L at 24 h after treatment. The active compound (+)-(S)-ar-turmerone isolated from the extract of C. longa roots exhibited good contact activity against the apterous adults of A. craccivora, with the LC50 value of 706.10 mg/L at 24 h after treatment. 【Conclusion】 The 95% ethanol extract of C. longa roots has certain insecticidal activity against A. craccivora adults, and (+)-(S)-ar-turmerone is the main active compound.
    Does body size of coccinellid predators (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) influence their preference to eat well-defended prey? (In English)
    Priya PATEL, Bhupendra KUMAR, Dinesh KUMAR
    2018, 61(6):  704-711.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.009
    Abstract ( 692 )   PDF (1214KB) ( 416 )     
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    【Aim】 Despite the fact that coccinellids display inter- and intra-specific size variations, the question of whether size variations in coccinellid species modify their choice to eat well-defended prey (i.e., displaying various defence responses, including actively evading capture, fighting off predators or frequently using defensive chemicals) is still unclear. In present study, we hypothesized that irrespective of their size the coccinellid predators, i.e., Coccinella septempunctata (L.) (C7) and Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fab.) (Ms), would increase their consumption of a prey type [i.e., the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach)] only when prey instars would be well-defended. This is because well-defended prey instars are large and more energetic. 【Methods】 We therefore, categorized the 4th nymphal instar of L. erysimi as well-defended and the 2nd nymphal instar as poorly-defended and assessed their preference by large and small variants of the two coccinellid species. 【Results】 The results revealed higher consumption of poorly-defended instar nymphs by both female variants of Ms, while large and small females of C7 consumed higher percentage of well-defended and poorly-defended instar nymphs, respectively, on an exclusive diet of well-defended/poorly-defended prey. On a mixed diet, female variants of C7 consumed similar fraction of both the prey instar nymphs, while variants of Ms consumed higher fraction of poorly-defended instar nymphs. While consumption of both prey instar nymphs increased with the increase in size of C7 females, but consumption of only well-defended instar nymphs increased with the increase in size of Ms females. 【Conclusion】 The results therefore oppose our hypothesis and illustrate that: (i) small coccinellids are more confined to poorly-defended prey instar nymphs while large coccinellids selectively consume well-defended prey instar nymphs; and (ii) within and between coccinellid species, preference for well-defended prey instars increases with the increase in size of predators. Results may be utilized for mass rearing of these coccinellids in laboratories for augmentative biocontrol of mustard aphids.
    Screening of microsatellite loci and the genetic diversity analysis of Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations in China
    LI Mei-Mei, LI Bo-Liao, WU Jun-Xiang, XU Xiang-Li
    2018, 61(6):  712-720.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.010
    Abstract ( 615 )   PDF (1032KB) ( 514 )     
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    【Aim】 This study aims to acquire microsatellite loci available for studying the population genetics of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata in China and to further uncover the genetic diversity of its geographical populations from a molecular perspective. 【Methods】 Based on microsatellite markers which had been previously reported in public and  the simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from our laboratory transcriptome of M. separata, the stability of amplification and polymorphism of these microsatellite loci were analyzed based on 200 individuals sampled in seven geographical populations from Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi in China. The PCR products of SSRs were labeled fluorescently and scanned automatically. 【Results】 Seven microsatellite loci were amplified stably in samples of seven geographical populations of M. separata and possessed high polymorphism. The allele richness (Ar) of the seven microsatellite loci was between 4.167 and 12.402, the average observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.640 and 0.752, respectively, and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.547 to 0.884. The seven loci had null allele and deviated from Hardy.Weinberg equilibrium. No significant linkage disequilibrium existed in pairwise loci. 【Conclusion】 Seven microsatellite loci were successfully screened from seven geographical populations of M. separata from Henan, Shaanxi and Shanxi, and they show high polymorphism among these geographical populations and can be used in genetic structure research of this insect. In addition, frequent gene flow occurs in these populations, which prevents population differentiation caused by genetic drift. Moreover, fairly low even no pairwise population differentiation occurs in these populations.
    Research progress in the litchi fruit borer, Conopomorpha sinensis (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)
    LI Wen-Jing, DONG Yi-Zhi, YAO Qiong, CHEN Bing-Xu
    2018, 61(6):  721-732.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.011
    Abstract ( 918 )   PDF (1695KB) ( 718 )     
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     The litchi fruit borer, Conopomorpha sinensis, is an important pest of fruit trees widely distributed in the Lingnan area of China, Southeast Asia, India and Nepal. It feeds on fruits, shoots and flowers of the host plants litchi and longan as a borer pest, and has become a major and destructive insect pest to litchi and longan industry due to its boring habit, difficulty for its control, inappropriate control measures and abuse of chemical pesticides. In this article we reviewed the research progress in C. sinensis in recent 30 years, mainly focusing on the taxonomy, biological characteristics, antennal sensilla and olfactory mechanisms, artificial rearing techniques, and forecast and control methods. In addition, the controversial problems in the research of C. sinensis were proposed, and the prospects for the future studies were also provided.
    Observation of the developmental pattern and morphological change of serosal cuticle in Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with an optimized paraffin section method
    LIU Wei-Wei, LI Ren-Jian, FU Sui-Ye, DONG Qing, ZHANG Min, Zhang-Xue-Yao, ZHANG Jian-Zhen, ZHANG Ting-Ting
    2018, 61(6):  733-740.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.012
    Abstract ( 825 )   PDF (3879KB) ( 359 )     
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    【Aim】 The aim of this study is to optimize the paraffin section technology and to examine the developmental pattern of serosal cuticle in the early embryonic stage of Locusta migratoria. 【Methods】 The paraffin section technology for L. migratoria embryo was modified on the steps of fixation, washing, dehydration and clearing. The developmental process of serosal cuticle was analyzed with hematoxylin-eosin staining (HE staining) and fluorescent staining following paraffin section of day 3-10 embryos of L. migratoria. The katatrepsis of embryo from micropyle to tail was observed by HE staining of the paraffin sections of L. migratoria from day 6-8 embryos, which were cut longitudinally. 【Results】 The optimized paraffin section steps for L. migratoria embryo included: pretreating the egg with NaClO and punching it before fixation, then washing, dehydrating and clearing the fixed egg for 30 min, respectively. Integrative and clear sections of the whole epidermis structure of the embryonic stage were obtained by using our optimized paraffin section technology. The serosal cuticle formation and chitin deposition were completed on day 5 and began to degrade on day 8 during the embryonic stages at 30℃. The katatrepsis occurred from day 6 to day 7 in the embryonic stages, accompanied by the morphological change of serosa and serosal cuticle. 【Conclusion】 We optimized the paraffin section technology for L. migratoria embryo, and revealed the developmental pattern of serosal cuticle and katatrepsis. This study lays a foundation for studying the metabolisms of embryonic development in L. migratoria.
    Genetic differentiation and distribution of two sibling species of tea geometrids in tea-growing areas in Zhejiang, eastern China
    BAI Jia-He, WANG Zhi-Bo, XIAO Qiang
    2018, 61(6):  741-748.  doi:10.16380/j.kcxb.2018.06.013
    Abstract ( 723 )   PDF (1686KB) ( 440 )     
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    【Aim】 To reveal the distribution of the sibling species of Ectropis grisescens and Ectropis obliqua in tea-growing areas in Zhejiang, eastern China. 【Methods】 A total of 533 specimens of tea geometrids collected from 17 counties in Zhejiang were identified by using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (mtCOI) gene as the molecular marker, and the geographical distribution of E. grisescens and E. obliqua in Zhejiang was also analyzed. 【Results】 The results showed that among the 17 surveyed localities, the tea geometrids from 11 localities in Zhejiang were all identified as E. grisescens, those from other three localities (Anji, Yuhang, Longwu) were all E. obliqua, and the rest three localities (Xihu, Lin′an and Fuyang districts of Hangzhou) were identified as the co-occurrence areas of the two sibling species. 【Conclusion】 E. grisescens is widely distributed in tea-growing areas in Zhejiang, the distribution of E. obliqua is narrower, and there exist co-occurrence areas of the two sibling species.
    Contents of Vol. 61 Issue 6
    2018, 61(6):  749-749. 
    Abstract ( 424 )   PDF (482KB) ( 167 )     
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