扁角豆芫菁,性二型,触角感器,形态,分布,扫描电镜," /> 扁角豆芫菁,性二型,触角感器,形态,分布,扫描电镜,"/> <span style="font-family:宋体;">扁角豆芫菁成虫雌雄异型触角感器精细结构观察(英文)</span>

昆虫学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (4): 442-452.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2019.04.006

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘洋洋1,2, 李国勇3, 杨琳1,2, 陈祥盛1,2,*   

  1.  (1. 贵州大学昆虫研究所, 贵阳 550025 2. 贵州大学贵州省昆虫资源开发利用特色重点实验室, 贵阳 5500253. 贵阳学院贵州省山地珍稀动物与经济昆虫重点实验室, 贵阳 550005)
  • 出版日期:2019-04-20 发布日期:2019-04-08

Observation of fine structure of antennal sensilla in sexually dimorphic antennae of the blister beetle Epicauta impressicornis (Coleoptera: Meloidae) adults (In English)

LIU Yang-Yang1,2, LI Guo-Yong3, YANG Lin1,2, CHEN Xiang-Sheng1,2,*   

  1. (1. InstituteofEntomology,GuizhouUniversity,Guiyang550025,China; 2. The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources,GuizhouUniversity,Guiyang550025,China; 3.GuizhouProvincial Key Laboratory for Rare Animal and Economic Insect of the Mountainous Region,GuiyangUniversity,Guiyang550005,China)

  • Online:2019-04-20 Published:2019-04-08


【目的】本研究旨在观察扁角豆芫菁Epicauta impressicornis主要触角感器的形态特征,为进一步开展扁角豆芫菁生物学和行为机制研究提供基础参考,也为今后的触角感受器电生理研究提供前提条件。【方法】对扁角豆芫菁E. impressicornis雌雄成虫触角感器进行了扫描电镜观察,并对雌雄成虫触角感器数量、分布及其差异进行了统计和比较分析。【结果】结果表明,其雌雄成虫触角感器存在性二型现象,二者的感器类型、数量及分布既有共性又存在明显差异。雌雄成虫触角共有的感器分为7种,即2种刺形感器(CH1CH2)2种锥形感器(SB1SB2)1Böhm氏鬃毛(BB)1种耳形感器(SA)1种钟形感器(CA);雄虫触角特有的感器类型包括1种刺形感器(CH3)1种锥形感器(SB3),而雌性触角特有的感器类型包含2种锥形感器(SB4SB5)1种凹槽钉形感器(GP)。【结论】扁角豆芫菁成虫触角感受器类型丰富多样。根据触角感受器的形态、分布以及与之前报道结果的比较分析,推测其功能可能为信息素感器(CH1)、化学感器(CH2GP)、嗅觉受体(CH3 SB1-SB5, SACA)、机械感器(BB)和温度感器(GPCA)

关键词: 扁角豆芫菁')">扁角豆芫菁, 性二型, 触角感器, 形态, 分布, 扫描电镜

Abstract: Aim The aim of this study is to observe the morphological characteristics of the main antennal sensilla of the blister beetle Epicauta impressicornis (Coleoptera, Meloidae) so as to provide a reference basis for further studying the biology and behavioral mechanisms of E. impressicornis, and a prerequisite for future electrophysiological studies of its antennal sensilla. Methods The morphology of the antennal sensilla of E. impressicornis adults was observed under scanning electron microscopy, and the quantity, distribution and the difference in antennal sensilla between the male and female were statistically and comparatively analyzed. Results The results revealed that the antennal sensilla of E. impressicornis adults show sexual dimorphism, and their type, abundance, and distribution have similarities and differences between both sexes. Seven types of sensilla, including sensilla chaetica type 1 (CH1), sensilla chaetica type 2 (CH2), sensilla basiconica type 1 (SB1), sensilla basiconica type 2 (SB2), Böhm sensilla (BB), sensilla auricillica (SA), and sensilla campaniformia (CA) were found on the antennae of both sexes. In addition, there are some unique sensilla including sensilla chaetica type 3 (CH3) and sensilla basiconica type 3 (SB3) on the male antennae, and sensilla basiconica type 4 (SB4), sensilla basiconica type 5 (SB5) and grooved pegs (GP) on the female antennae. Conclusion The types of antennal sensilla of E. impressicornis are rich and diverse. These antennal sensilla are speculated to function as pheromone receptors (CH1), chemoreceptors (CH2 and GP), olfactory receptors (CH3, SB1-SB5, SA and CA), mechanoreceptors (BB) and thermoreceptors (CA and GP) according to their morphology and distribution, as well as based on comparative analyses with the previously reported results.

Key words: Epicauta impressicornis, sexual dimorphism, antennal sensilla, morphology, distribution, scanning electron microscopy