昆虫学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 66 ›› Issue (11): 1482-1489.doi: 10.16380/j.kcxb.2023.11.007

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


隋丽1, 路杨1, 谢敏2, 邹晓威1, 李启云1,2,3,*, 张正坤1,*   

  1. (1. 吉林省农业科学院植物保护研究所, 吉林省农业微生物重点实验室, 农业农村部东北作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室, 公主岭 136100; 2. 吉林农业大学农学院, 长春 130118; 3. 吉林农业科技学院, 吉林 132101)
  • 出版日期:2023-11-20 发布日期:2023-12-27

Feeding preference and olfactory responses of Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to Beauveria bassiana aerial conidia and blastospore-corn symbionts

SUI Li1, LU Yang1, XIE Min2, ZOU Xiao-Wei1, LI Qi-Yun1,2,3,*, ZHANG Zheng-Kun1,*   

  1.  (1. Jilin Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crops in Northeast China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Plant Protection, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Gongzhuling 136100, China; 2. College of Agronomy, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China; 3. Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin 132101, China)
  • Online:2023-11-20 Published:2023-12-27

摘要: 【目的】球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana在植物内定殖,能够间接对植食性昆虫产生不利影响。本研究旨在明确亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫取食选择和嗅觉反应行为对分生孢子(aerial conidia, AC)和芽生孢子(blastospore, BS)类型球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体的响应。【方法】每株玉米接种球孢白僵菌孢子悬液(1.0×108个孢子/mL) 20 mL,采用灌根法构建球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体,包括球孢白僵菌AC处理组和BS处理组。采用培养皿叶碟法测试亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫在取食选择性和非选择性条件下对AC和BS处理组球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体玉米叶片的取食选择率;利用Y型嗅觉仪测试亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫对AC和BS处理组球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体玉米叶片的嗅觉选择系数和嗅觉选择反应率。【结果】培养皿叶碟法测试结果表明,在选择性和非选择性条件下亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫对AC和BS处理组球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体玉米叶片的取食选择率均低于对照组;在选择性条件下,亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫对BS处理组球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体玉米叶片的取食选择率最低;在非选择性条件下,AC和BS处理组间亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫对球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体玉米叶片的取食选择率差异不显著。Y型嗅觉仪测试结果表明,亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫对AC和BS处理组球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体玉米叶片的嗅觉选择反应率(嗅觉反应系数<0)均显著低于对照组(嗅觉反应系数>0),显示两种孢子类型球孢白僵菌定殖玉米叶片对亚洲玉米螟幼虫均具有负趋性。【结论】本研究明确了分生孢子和芽生孢子型球孢白僵菌定殖玉米叶片对亚洲玉米螟幼虫取食行为和嗅觉行为均具有驱避性,为利用球孢白僵菌内生定殖生态调控害虫提供理论依据。

关键词: 亚洲玉米螟, 虫生真菌, 植物内生性, 行为反应, 叶碟法, Y型嗅觉仪

Abstract: 【Aim】 Beauveria bassiana can indirectly affect phytophagous insect pests by colonizing plants. This study aims to determine the responses of feeding preference and olfactory response of the neonate and 3rd instar larvae of Ostrinia furnacalis to symbionts of aerial conidia (AC) and blastospore (BS) B. bassiana-corn. 【Methods】 Each corn plant was inoculated with 20 mL B. bassiana spore suspension (1.0×108 spore/mL), soil drench inoculation was used to establish the B. bassiana-corn symbionts, including the B. bassiana AC treatment group and the B. bassiana BS treatment group. The feeding selection rates by the neonate larvae and 3rd instar larvae of O. furnacalis to the corn leaves of the B. bassiana-corn symbionts of AC and BS treatment groups under the choice and non-choice conditions were tested by a dish leaf disc method. The olfactory selection coefficient and olfactory selection response rate of the neonate and 3rd instar larvae of O. furnacalis to the corn leaves of the B. bassiana-corn symbionts of AC and BS treatment groups were detected by Y-type olfactometer. 【Results】 The test results of the dish leaf disc method showed that the feeding selection rate of both the neonate and 3rd instar larvae of O. furnacalis to the corn leaves of the B. bassiana-corn symbionts of AC and BS treatment groups were lower than that of the control group under the choice and non-choice conditions. The neonate larvae of O. furnacalis had the lowest feeding selection rate to the corn leaves of the B. bassiana-corn symbionts of BS treatment group under the choice condition, while the neonate larvae of O. furnacalis had no significant difference in the feeding selection rate to the corn leaves of the B. bassiana-corn symbionts of AC and BS treatment groups under the non-choice condition. The results of Y-type olfactometer test showed that the olfactory selection response rate of both the neonate and 3rd instar larvae of O. furnacalis to the corn leaves of the B. bassiana-corn symbionts in AC and BS treatment groups (olfactory selection coefficient<0) were significantly lower than that in the control group (olfactory selection coefficient>0), suggesting that the two types of B. bassiana spore colonized corn leaves have negative chemotaxis to O. furnacalis larvae. 【Conclusion】 This study confirms that there is an obvious avoidance effect of the corn leaves colonized by aerial conidia and blastospores of B. bassiana on the feeding behavior and olfactory behavior of O. furnacalis, which could provide a theoretical basis to utilize the endophytic colonization of B. bassiana for ecological control of insect pests.

Key words: Ostrinia furnacalis, entomopathogenic fungi, plant endogeneity, behavioral response, leaf disc method, Y-type olfactometer