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2024,67 (2)

2024,67 (1)

2023,66 (12)

2023,66 (11)

2024,67 (2) 

照片示取食玉米叶片的粘虫Mythimna seperata(鳞翅目: 夜蛾科)幼虫。本期报道了粘虫生物胺受体基因的鉴定及组织表达谱分析(pp.171‒182)。照片由张润志研究员(中国科学院动物研究所)于2012年8月10日摄于河北省文安县。
Photo shows larvae of Mythimna seperata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding on corn leaf. In this issue (pp.171‒182), the identification and tissue expression profiling of the biogenic amine receptor genes of M. separata are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in Wen¢an County,HebeiProvinceon August 10, 2012.

2024,67 (1) 

照片示绿豆象Callosobruchus chinensis(鞘翅目: 叶甲科: 豆象亚科)成虫。本期报道了绿豆象成虫对红豆Vigna angularis与绿豆V. radiata种子挥发物的电生理和嗅觉行为反应 (pp. 58‒67)。照片由张润志研究员(中国科学院动物研究所)于2022年6月29日摄于山东省海阳市。
Photo shows an adult of Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). In this issue (pp. 58‒67), electrophysiological and olfactory behavioral responses of adult C. chinensis to the volatiles from Vigna angularis and V. radiata seeds are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) inHaiyang City,ShandongProvince on June 29, 2022.

2023,66 (12) 

 照片示农林害虫天敌六斑异瓢虫Aiolocaria hexaspilota(鞘翅目: 瓢虫科)成虫。本期报道了六斑异瓢虫生物学特性及其对核桃扁叶甲幼虫的捕食能力(pp.1675-1684)。照片由张润志研究员(中国科学院动物研究所)于2015年8月16日摄于黑龙江省同江市街津山。

Photo shows an adult of Aiolocaria hexaspilota  (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), which is a natural enemy of agricultural and forestry pest insects. In this issue (pp.1675-1684), the biological characteristics of A. hexaspilota and its predatory capacity against Gastrolina depressa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae are reported. The photo was taken on an indoor hot pepper plant by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) inJiejinMountain,Tongjiang City,HeilongjiangProvince on August 16, 2015.

2023,66 (11) 

照片示农林害虫重要天敌蠋蝽Arma chinensis(半翅目: 蝽科)成虫。本期报道了蠋蝽热激蛋白基因AcHsp83aAcHsp83b的克隆、表达谱及对高低温和UV-B胁迫的响应(pp.1425‒1434)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2022年8月24日摄于北京市海淀区旱河路附近。
Photo shows an adult of Arma chinensis (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), which is the important natural enemy of agricultural and forestry pest insects. In this issue (pp.1425‒1434), the cloning and expression profiling of heat shock protein genes AcHsp83a and AcHsp83b from A. chinensis and their response to high or low temperature and UV-B stresses are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in theHanhe Roadarea, Haidian District,Beijingon August 24, 2022.

2023,66 (10) 

照片示危害辣椒Capsicum annuum叶片的烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (半翅目: 粉虱科)成虫。本期报道了烟粉虱卵黄原蛋白通过影响自噬反应调控共生细菌Rickettsia的丰度(pp. 1302-1310)。照片由张润志研究员(中国科学院动物研究所)于2015年3月20日摄于北京市朝阳区室内辣椒植株上。
Photo shows adults of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) feeding on a leaf of Capsicum annuum. In this issue (pp.1302-1310), the regulation of vitellogenin on the abundance of the symbiotic bacterium Rickettsia in B. tabaci by influencing autophagy is reported. The photo was taken on an indoor hot pepper plant by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in Chaoyang District,Beijingon March 20, 2015.

2023,66 (9) 

 照片示元宝枫刺胫广肩小蜂Eurytoma acutibialis (膜翅目:广肩小蜂科)的寄主元宝枫籽象Bradybatus sp.(鞘翅目:象虫科)成虫。该害虫在元宝枫Acer truncatum翅果上产卵,幼虫钻蛀危害元宝枫的种子。本期报道了元宝枫籽象的重要天敌昆虫——元宝枫刺胫广肩小蜂线粒体全基因组的测定与分析(pp. 1233‒1245)。照片由张润志研究员于2021年8月11日摄于内蒙古科右中旗代钦塔拉苏木。
Photo shows an adult of the host, Bradybatus sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) of a natural enemy insect, Eurytoma acutibialis (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae). The pest insects lay eggs on Acer truncatum samaras and feed on their seeds within them by their larvae. In this issue (pp. 1233‒1245), the sequencing and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of E. acutibialis, an important natural enemy insect of Bradybatus sp. in China are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in the Daiqin Tal Sumu, Kerchin Right Wing Middle Banner in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Chinaon August 11, 2021.

2023,66 (8) 

照片显示华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita(鞘翅目: 金龟科)成虫。本期报道了对暗黑鳃金龟幼虫高毒力的球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana筛选及其模拟田间防效评价(pp. 999‒1008)。照片由张润志于2022年5月18日摄于北京朝阳区北辰西路1号院中国科学院动物研究所院内。
Photo shows an adult of Holotrichia oblita (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). In this issue (pp. 999‒1008), the screening and simulated field efficacy evaluation of Beauveria bassiana with high virulence to H. parallela larvae are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in theInstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences inNo. 1 Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District,Beijing, Chinaon May 18, 2022.

2023,66 (7) 
照片示菜豆象Acanthoscelides obtectus(鞘翅目:叶甲科:豆象亚科)成虫。本期报道了响应甲酸乙酯和异硫氰酸甲酯熏蒸的菜豆象转录组分析(pp. 909‒917)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2017年6月4日摄于贵州省贵阳市花溪区。
Photo shows an adult of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). In this issue (pp. 909‒917), the transcriptomic analysis of A. obtectus in response to fumigation with ethyl formate and methyl isothiocyanate is reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) in Huaxi District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province on June 4, 2017.

2023,66 (6) 

照片显示七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata成虫(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)。本期报道了7种新烟碱类杀虫剂制剂对七星瓢虫的毒性及风险评估(pp.759-769)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2022年5月19日摄于北京市平谷区黄松峪。
 Photo shows an adult of Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). In this issue (pp. 759-769), the toxicity and risk assessment of the formulations of seven neonicotinoid insecticides to C. septempunctata are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in Huangsongyu, Pinggu District,Beijingon May 19, 2022.

2023,66 (5) 

照片示水稻Oryza sativa茎秆上的白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(半翅目:飞虱科)雌成虫。白背飞虱是一种典型的r-对策害虫,且具有远距离迁飞习性,易暴发成灾。本期报道了核受体基因SfUSP调控白背飞虱蜕皮发育(pp.609-618)。照片由周操于2023年4月27日摄于重庆师范大学生命科学学院实验室内。
Photo shows a female adult of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), on the stem of Oryza sativa>. S. furcifera, a typical r-strategist pest, exhibits long-distance migratory behavior, making it prone to outbreaks. In this issue (pp. 609-618), the regulation of SfUSP in the molting process of S. furcifera was reported. The photo was taken by ZHOU Cao on 27 April, 2023, in the laboratory of the College of Life Sciences, Chongqing Normal University.

2023,66 (4) 

照片显示番茄Solanum lycopersicum叶片上的番茄潜叶蛾Tuta absoluta(鳞翅目: 麦蛾科)幼虫。本期报道了基于功能反应和两性生命表评价番茄潜叶蛾的取食能力和生长发育(pp.531-537)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2022年6月7日摄于北京市昌平区吕各庄温室大棚内。
Photo shows a larva of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on a leaf of tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. In this issue (pp. 531-537), the evaluation of feeding capacity and growth and development of T. absoluta based on functional responses and two-sex life table is reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in greenhouse in Lugezhuang, Changping District,Beijingon June 7, 2022.

2023,66 (3) 

照片显示大豆Glycine max叶片上的点蜂缘蝽Riptortus pedestris(半翅目: 缘蝽科)成虫。本期报道了不同浓度噻虫嗪对点蜂缘蝽种群的跨代效应(pp. 312‒325)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2022年8月10日摄于北京市朝阳区北辰西路中国科学院遗传与发育生物研究所的大豆试验田。
Photo shows an adult of Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on a leaf of soybean, Glycine max.  In this issue (pp. 312‒325), the cross-generational effects of different concentrations of thiamethoxam on R. pedestris populations are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in experimental soybean plot in theInstituteofGeneticsand Developmental Biology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences,Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District,Beijingon August 10, 2022.

2023,66 (2) 

照片示豇豆Vigna unguiculata种子内羽化的绿豆象Callosobruchus chinensis(鞘翅目: 叶甲科)成虫。本期报道了绿豆象气味受体基因的克隆和时空表达谱(pp.171-180)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2022年6月29日摄于山东省海阳市。
Photo shows an adult of Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) emerged from seeds of Vigna unguiculata . In this issue (pp.171-180), the cloning and spatio-temporal expression profiling of odorant receptor genes in Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) are reported. The photo was taken by Prof. ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) inHaiyang City,ShandongProvince on June 29, 2022.

2023,66 (1) 

照片示短暂停栖在水团花Adina pilulifera叶上的台湾大长腹土蜂Megacampsomeris formosensis(膜翅目:土蜂科)雌成虫,周围环境属针阔叶混交林。台湾大长腹土蜂是一种独居的寄生性天敌昆虫,幼虫主要寄生于金龟子幼虫(蛴螬),在农林生态系统中对蛴螬种群数量有直接的自然控制作用。本期报道了包括台湾大长腹土蜂在内的土蜂科新测序5个种的线粒体基因组的基因组成特点及其系统发育关系(pp. 99‒107)。照片由许威于2016年9月20日摄于浙江省台州市黄岩区九峰。
Photo shows a female adult of Megacampsomeris formosensis (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), perching on a leaf of Adina pilulifera for a short time. The surrounding environment is a mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest. As a kind of solitary parasitic natural enemy insect, the larvae of M. formosensis are mainly parasitic on the scarab larvae (grubs), with a direct natural control effect on the population of grubs in the agroforestry ecosystems. In this issue, the characteristics of gene compositions and phylogenetic relationships of newly sequenced mitochondrial genomes of five species of the family Scoliidae, including M. formosensis, were reported (pp. 99‒107). The photo was taken by XU Wei at Jiufeng, Huangyan District,Taizhou City,ZhejiangProvince, on September 20, 2016.

2022,65 (12) 

照片示油菜Brassica chinensis 叶片上的小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(鳞翅目: 菜蛾科)成虫。本期报道了肠道细菌通过竞争生态位和保护肠道内壁对小菜蛾Bt敏感性的影响(pp.1645-1657)以及多次交配对小菜蛾精包形成与生殖力的影响(pp. 1678-1686)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2019年3月9日摄于北京市顺义区衙门村蔬菜大棚内。
 Photo shows an adult of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on a leaf of Brassica chinensis . In this issue, the effects of gut bacteria on the Bt susceptibility in P. xylostella, by competing for niche and protecting the inner wall of gut (pp.1645-1657) and the effects of multiple mating on the spermatophore formation and fecundity of P. xylostella (pp.1678-1686) are reported. The photo was taken by Professor ZHANG Run-Zhi (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences) in a vegetable greenhouse inYamenVillage, Shunyi District,Beijingon March 9, 2019.

2022,65 (11) 

照片示危害辣椒Capsicum annuum叶片的烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci )(半翅目: 粉虱科)成虫。本期报道了烟粉虱MEAM1和MED成虫在辣椒上传播番茄褪绿病毒的特性(pp. 1452-1458)。照片由中国科学院动物研究所张润志研究员于2015年3月20日摄于北京市朝阳区(室内辣椒植株)。
Photo shows the adults of Bemisia tabaci )(Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) feeding on a leaf of Capsicum annuum. In this issue (pp.1452-1458), the transmission characteristics of Tomato chlorosis virus on C. annuum by adult B. tabaci MEAM1 and MED are reported. The photo was taken on an indoor hot pepper plant by Professor ZHANG Run-Zhi (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) in Chaoyang District, Beijing on March 20, 2015.

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